Cover-Up: Ex-Border Patrol Chief Says He Was Instructed By Biden-Harris Admin To Hide Terrorist Encounters
Posted by freedomforall 3 months, 2 weeks ago to Government
"During a House Committee on Homeland Security hearing titled "A Country Without Borders: How Biden-Harris' Open-Borders Policies Have Undermined Our Safety and Security," Heitke said he was muzzled from releasing critical information on the number of Special Interest Aliens (SIAs) — individuals with known or suspected ties to terrorism — apprehended in California.
“I was told I could not release any information on this increase in SIAs or mention any of the arrests,” Heitke testified. “The administration was trying to convince the public there was no threat at the border.”
According to Heitke, arrests of individuals with terror ties skyrocketed under President Joe Biden’s watch. The former Border Patrol chief revealed that before 2021, his sector had apprehended between 10 to 15 SIAs annually. By 2022, that number had shot up to over 100, with even more recorded in 2023.
“Once word was out that the border was far easier to cross, San Diego went to over 100 SIAs in 2022, well over that in 2023, and even more than that registered this year. These are only the ones we caught,” Heitke warned"
"During a House Committee on Homeland Security hearing titled "A Country Without Borders: How Biden-Harris' Open-Borders Policies Have Undermined Our Safety and Security," Heitke said he was muzzled from releasing critical information on the number of Special Interest Aliens (SIAs) — individuals with known or suspected ties to terrorism — apprehended in California.
“I was told I could not release any information on this increase in SIAs or mention any of the arrests,” Heitke testified. “The administration was trying to convince the public there was no threat at the border.”
According to Heitke, arrests of individuals with terror ties skyrocketed under President Joe Biden’s watch. The former Border Patrol chief revealed that before 2021, his sector had apprehended between 10 to 15 SIAs annually. By 2022, that number had shot up to over 100, with even more recorded in 2023.
“Once word was out that the border was far easier to cross, San Diego went to over 100 SIAs in 2022, well over that in 2023, and even more than that registered this year. These are only the ones we caught,” Heitke warned"
How else are the DemonRats going to:
> Steal the next election?
> Drive down wages and the standard of living?
> Get more Dependency on government services?
> Drive a societal wedge between legal citizens and those who have no intention of assimilating?
> And most importantly, create the conditions for a country-wide lock down.. i.e. Marshall Law.
> To steal the last remaining Liberties we have left after the traitorous Patriot Act, SPIT!
A country with no borders, no longer is a country, it is shitshow waiting for the curtain to come down.
> To have an organized smathing of anti-American Wahabists placed hither-and-yon so that they can wreak havoc on command, thus creating another fear-induced lock-down of our lives and freedoms.
Remember: 9-11 was 23-years-ago. Our young folks don't recollect that particular set of events and the powers-that-be have only a few playcalls.
All bad things and very bad things wreaked by our Obamanation for a Puppet-In-Chief and our cackling and evasive word salad Vice-Puppet-In-Chief for allowing an illegal alien invasion is considered to be acceptable collateral damaged
to create enough voters to achieve perpetual one party banana republic rule.
Hey, guess what? If this treason is successful, some day we may be calling our Comrade-In-Chief "el presidente" due to Spanish replacing English as our official language.
And Spanish may later be replaced by Mandurian or something Arabic. Easy to imagine maybe millions of Americans being murdered by then.
Italini think their mafia stupida lingua of the opera be pretty too. Well, me gotta Italian stiletto switchblades' 8-inch sticker to play Mack The Knife with because me ist ein dummkoph.