The Blame Shift is Hitting the Fan
Posted by freedomforall 5 months, 3 weeks ago to Politics
"A warmonger (and sorry for always being so damned literal, but it’s my job), is a person, leader, or group that advocates for, promotes, or deliberately seeks war or conflict, often for political, economic, or ideological reasons. To hear the media tell it, Trump is the reincarnation of Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great rolled into one bellicose political baron. (Maybe journalists don’t actually know what the word warmongering means? Seems likely.)
Ironically, Trump was the first US president in decades not to initiate a major military conflict while in office. He has pledged to end the Russia-Ukraine war within 24 hours of reassuming office. (I’m not saying he can do it, but you don’t hear Hahaharris promising to end any wars.) During his presidency, Trump reduced tensions with North Korea and Iran, played nice with China, and worked to bring our troops home from “endless wars” we had no business fighting IMO around the globe. Meanwhile, our current administration has us teetering closer to the brink of WWIII than anytime in the last half decade. If the US’s nonstop support of military aid to Ukraine and Taiwan isn’t a provocation of war… remine me what would be?"
"A warmonger (and sorry for always being so damned literal, but it’s my job), is a person, leader, or group that advocates for, promotes, or deliberately seeks war or conflict, often for political, economic, or ideological reasons. To hear the media tell it, Trump is the reincarnation of Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great rolled into one bellicose political baron. (Maybe journalists don’t actually know what the word warmongering means? Seems likely.)
Ironically, Trump was the first US president in decades not to initiate a major military conflict while in office. He has pledged to end the Russia-Ukraine war within 24 hours of reassuming office. (I’m not saying he can do it, but you don’t hear Hahaharris promising to end any wars.) During his presidency, Trump reduced tensions with North Korea and Iran, played nice with China, and worked to bring our troops home from “endless wars” we had no business fighting IMO around the globe. Meanwhile, our current administration has us teetering closer to the brink of WWIII than anytime in the last half decade. If the US’s nonstop support of military aid to Ukraine and Taiwan isn’t a provocation of war… remine me what would be?"
false narrative to claim they are
the United States is responsible for the ukraine mess with 0bana's overthrow of the elected government of ukraine