Why Does the UNELECTED Tyrannical Commifornia Air Resources Board Decide and Dictate Vehicle Air Quality for EVERY State? Our CARB Overlords.

Posted by freedomforall 1 month, 2 weeks ago to Politics
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"There is this thing called the California Air Resources Board (CARB) which operates as a de facto Congress – for the entire country – as regards the cars we’re allowed to buy (and the electric care we’re being forced to buy) because the regulations it emits regarding which cars may (and may not be) be sold in the state effectively apply to every other state.

Because a majority of state governments (and their own regulatory apparats) decided to adopt and apply CARB’s regulatory emissions as their own. Thereby ceding the legislative function to a California bureaucracy that – in the very best light – emits regulations premised on conditions in California that are not warranted in Oregon, to cite one of the states that mirrors whatever CARB emits.

Keep in mind that no one in any of the states outside of CA had an opportunity to vote for – or against – CARB’s emissions. Their state overlords simply decided to mirror and impose them. So much for “our democracy.”"
SOURCE URL: https://www.ericpetersautos.com/2025/01/22/our-carb-overlords/

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