My Nightmare About MRNA Vaccines a Couple Years Ago

Posted by $ Abaco 2 months, 2 weeks ago to Science
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Thought I'd share this strange story. Back when Trump was wrapping up "warp speed" (I think that's what it was called) to fast-track the mRNA vaccines to people I remember a vivid nightmare I had. You know those dreams that are so realistic you wake up and don't forget them? In my dream a had a few friends show up at my door to visit and they were horribly disfigured. They explained they had gotten the jab and this was the result. I had this dream, obviously, because I was concerned about the "RNA" part of the discussion. People are still calling these shots a "gene therapy". Skip ahead to Christmas when my brother stopped by and announced he's going into surgery soon for a lump in his arm. He's got a lump under the skin at his bicep that sticks up about an inch. It looks horrible. He's got other things going on. Nagging cough. Really blotchy complexion. Walking slow like an old man. He's younger than I am. I think my brother has this pseudo-tumor that is fairly common from the jab...but the news media has forgotten to mention it. at all. Let's hope this isn't the turbo cancer that's taken a few friends recently. Who knows how this will all end up? I remember the predictions on how dire this experiment could end up...

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