Hi. My name is... Sue
Posted by GrammarGrouch 1 month ago to The Gulch: Introductions
I was in union leadership roles for about five years in the mid-to-late ‘70s, so I was quite liberal. Then my boyfriend — of that time — introduced me to “We the Living” and “Anthem”. I was intrigued, so, being an avid reader. I dove into “Atlas Shrugged” and became a conservative. It just made so much sense to me. Today, I am a volunteer with United Sovereign Americans, an all-volunteer election validity organization. I am retired from the corporate world (thank God!) and I know how important it is to have honest leaders who will uphold our beautiful Constitution. I also am a retired health coach, so I am looking forward to RFK, Jr. cleaning up our food supply. Ayn Rand was brilliant and I am blessed to know about her works.