Have you ever considered what the root of the right to bear arms is?

Posted by m082844 11 years, 12 months ago to Politics
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Let’s rise above the fog of the Gun Debate and bring clarity to the discussion. Have you ever considered what the essential players and principles involved in the Gun Debate are? As far as players, you have the federal government, the state and local government, and the conglomeration of individuals making up the people of this great nation. The principles involved are highlighted in one of our nation’s oldest documents — The Declaration of Independence; it has outlined the proper relationship the people are to have with their government. Essentially, if men are to coexist peacefully (i.e., without tyranny) rights will need to be secured and the government is the institution charged with securing them.
Government secures rights and prohibits tyranny by making laws against the initiation of force, and utilizes the police, military and courts to enforce said laws. Government violates rights by instituting laws that initiate force and institutionalize tyranny. Today people seem to form interest groups to not only prevent their group from being taken advantage of, but also to seek special favors (via laws) that may initiate force against others. The right answer is not to form or join the most influential group, but to abolish the entire practice and not to initiate force against anybody.

Now, if the government is to secure your rights those rights must have solid roots; the connection must be proved without contradiction. Have you ever considered what our right to keep and bear arms is rooted in? Assuming you agree with me that rights are short for a right to action, needing no permission from any authority; and assuming you agree that the basic right of individuals is a right to act in their self-interest, and to take actions that sustain their life — also known as the right to life — then you might be able to make the connection between a right to life and a right to bear arms.

Your right to life means your life is an end in itself and needs no justification to exist; the fact that you’re alive, that you’re the only one in conscious control of your life, and that you’re able to sustain it by your own effort is sufficient to establish your existence as a right. Your right to life does not guarantee that you live without risk or without threats. By deduction this means if anything threatens your life, which can only exist in physical form via force, then you have a right to take actions to neutralize the threat (meaning to stop it) in order to secure your life — also know as the right to self-defense. By deduction this means if you are to have a right to take actions to neutralize threats, then you require a right to the means (or tools) to neutralize them — also known as a right to bear arms (a means of offense or defense). Your right to life is the root of your right to (acquire) keep and bear arms, and your right to life precedes the Constitution, which means your right to bear arms precedes the Constitution.

Let’s work this problem in reverse by reduction instead of deduction. Let’s assume for a moment that you don’t have a right to acquire, keep, and bear arms. By reduction this means if you have no right to arms, then you have no right to a means of offense or defense — the tools needed to neutralize threats. By reduction this means if you have no right to the means of neutralizing threats, then you have no right to neutralize threats. By reduction this means if you have no right to neutralize threats to your life, then you have no right to secure your life. By reduction this means if you have no right to secure your life, then you have no right to life. If you have no right to life, then you can only secure your life by permission, which is exactly the situation in which we find ourselves as Americans in the land of the “free” when we seek permits (tools signifying permission of the State) to purchase the tools of our self-defense.

Since governments are instituted among men to secure their rights, for men to seek the permission from their government to act on their rights is completely foreign to me. When did the roles reverse? The government needed permission from the people to take certain actions as granted by the US Constitution; and now the people need permission from their government. Given this backward relationship, and regardless of what professors may tell you, who do you think works for whom in this case?


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  • Posted by Drlenr 11 years, 12 months ago
    Freedom is my right to do whatever I want as long as it does not infringe on the rights of others. Thomas Payne, in 'The Federalist Papers' discussed the Second amendment. He clarified that the right to bear arms has nothing to do with organized militias, but the right of each person to defend himself, not only from others, but from their own government. He believed the citizenry should be equally able to defend itself as is our military. Thus if our soldiers are armed with M16s, we should be able to own them as well. Each gun owner has the responsibility to safely secure and protect their weapon(s) but the right to own them is fundamental.
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  • Posted by Non_mooching_artist 11 years, 12 months ago
    That was astoundingly, profoundly lucid and I commend you for taking the time to share that. Kudos! And may we bear our arms to the fall of tyranny.
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    • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 11 years, 12 months ago
      Well said both of you.

      "I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery" Thomas Jefferson.

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      • Posted by Non_mooching_artist 11 years, 12 months ago
        The founders really had it, didn't they? They foresaw all the pontential infringements and threats to our fledgling country. We are squandering it all!
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        • Posted by khalling 11 years, 12 months ago
          exactly, nonmooch. while we were pursuing our dreams so many of us ignored the vigilence required to protect our freedoms.
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          • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years, 12 months ago
            This country got lazy and took it for granted that it would always be there. Probably most don't even know what the Constitution is...or care either. How did so many turn into such sloths?
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            • Posted by $ kathywiso 11 years, 12 months ago
              Have to say, when I was young, I had a piece of property in a small town and wanted to put my business on it. The fight to me was unimaginable. Why would I have to ASK permission from a council to change it into commercial. Think about it, I owned the property and pay taxes on it, but I can't do anything without permission??? I was 20 and thought the world was fair. Ha, what a lesson I learned early in life, but I never lost my fighting spirit. Most of us were too busy making a living and accomplishing things in our own lives and not watching the ones that were taking advantage of our work. I was involved in fighting this craziness, but you do get tired of beating your head against a wall. Now, I feel the gun issue is the final battle. We lose this, we and our children are doomed.
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              • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years, 12 months ago
                Sigh.... you're right... and the fact that in today's society our level of "sympathy" and political correctness and tolerance (not calling things what they are OR pointing them out), and the blatant the lack of shame and embarrassment etc, ALL turn into rewards for laziness instead of negative consequences. As you know, I work at a school...and even though the staff is all about consequences and pointing out bad (and good) behaviors it's obvious the kids don't have a healthy fear of any kind of real punishment. It's an uphill battle to instill these values (which is NOT the schools job, I know, but bad behavior by a few in a classroom can ruin lesson time for all)...and every year the hill is steeper. This is a good group of people I work with and they're getting eaten alive. Like I said, you are right...the government should have NO business in having a say with anything to do with education. It needs to be dismantled and privatized, pronto.
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  • Posted by 11 years, 12 months ago
    Thanks khalling and nonmooch. I'm glad you liked it.

    Drlenr, I don't remember Thomas Paine writing any federalist paper under the pen name publius.
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  • Posted by khalling 11 years, 12 months ago
    excellent post and points. I would state my starting points differently.
    first and foremost, I own myself. If I own myself, then I have a right to self defense. If I own myself, I own what I produce or trade for. the right to bear arms is a combination of the right to self defense and the right to my labor(mental and physical).
    checking out your blog-
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  • Posted by jsw225 11 years, 12 months ago
    All rights, (the real rights that is, not the entitlements that progressives like to label as rights) are based on two, fundamental human rights. Those are the Right of Private Property, and the Right to Self Determination.

    Basically you have the right to own whatever private property you can buy. And you have the right to seek out (but not necessarily have) whatever you want for your life.

    There are many derivative rights, but few of them apply to both of the fundamental rights. The right to bear arms is one of those rights. You have the right to own firearms, and you have the right to fight anyone that wants to take away your right of self determination. Those that try to take away your right of self determination are muggers, criminals, thieves and tyrants.
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