"They Just Got Handed Fraudulent Books" - Ed Dowd Confirms Our Warning That (a) Trump Is 'Inheriting A Turd Of An Economy' and (b) Hidden Excess Deaths, Disabilities, and Illness from Covid Vaccines

Posted by freedomforall 3 months, 3 weeks ago to Economics
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"I have never seen such blatant manipulation of government statistics.

There is government spending and government hiring to paper over what is truly a bad economy for the average man. When I was asked prior to the election who do you think will win the election, I said Trump has already won, according to the economic statistics. That’s why he won. Bobby Kennedy helped along with Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, lots of people switching and what have you. What really got Trump in was the economy, the real economy, not the stock market.

It was not the ‘everything is hunky-dory’ pablum from the mainstream media.

The real economy has been rolling over, and we are just waiting for the financial markets to figure this out.
" There is a whole host of issues that have gone off the charts since the introduction of the Covid vaccines.

As of 2023, there was about 1.2 million excess deaths in the US. There were about four million disabilities and about 32 million injured. . . .

Our calculations, conservatively speaking, are 8 million to 15 million dead globally, 40 million to 60 million disabled and 500 million to 900 million injured where their immune system is so compromised that they are getting sick all the time. You’ve got to think about it as a funnel. Most of the numbers are injured, and then the next level down are disabled and then dead. People can funnel down from one category to the next.

We have a problem here because we have 10% to 13% excess mortality currently running. . . . We are running once in 200 year flood numbers in 2024. . . . This is not over."
SOURCE URL: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/they-just-got-handed-fraudulent-books-ed-dowd-warns-trump-inheriting-turd-economy

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  • Posted by Aeronca 3 months, 2 weeks ago
    I was kind of thinking, if they cheated last time, why not cheat again? Maybe because they wanted to throw the ball at the sidelines and let Trump inherit their mess? It almost seems like they threw the election on purpose? If we still have elections! I think Clinton did not want his wife to be elected he sabotaged her. I think Biden did not want Kamala elected he sabotaged her too. He broke open the border, then put her in charge of fixing it. I bet he's laughing about it right now.
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