Drone – hypersonic weapons => Distraction/Propaganda

Posted by jack1776 2 months, 4 weeks ago to News
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I’m thinking we are being distracted again, they don’t want us to see what is going on in the left hand but the right hand just pulled a rabbit out of a hat. Its my personal belief the Chinese spy balloon story was a distraction back on February 2nd 2023 to February 4th 2023. During this time, we had the Ohio train derailment on February 3rd 2023. Personally, I don’t think your doing much spying with a ballon, on the other hand a ballon does say look at me.

I think we have the same thing going on on two separate news stories currently, the drones over the east coast and this new hypersonic weapon that Russia has.

The drone stories over the east coast I personally think is ridiculous, no one knows what these are and speculation is being reported as fact. I usually fall back to common sense when the pieces don’t fall together, in this case, who would put flashing lights on a spy drone? The only reason why you would put lights on something you want to hide is to draw attention to a hidden object, like a distraction.

On the second one, I don’t know if this is a distraction or just propaganda but these recent news stories about this new unstoppable hypersonic Russian ICBM is also bull pucky. I thought all ICBM misses had Multiple Independently-targetable Reentry Vehicle (MIRV) system. We have the UGM-133 Trident II D5: A submarine-launched ICBM that can carry up to eight warheads. LGM-30G Minuteman III: The first ICBM to carry more than one warhead. However, due to international treaties, each missile is currently limited to one warhead. All of these are hypersonic by nature, its in space and coming down real quick. The Russian news is news that Russia has finally put more then one warhead on a missile, that's it. They caught up to us… Propaganda our news media is to happy to spread, makes me wonder who’s side they are on?

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  • Posted by 2 months, 3 weeks ago
    Just heard a new theory yesterday and a few statements from people, self professed experts, stating that these drones are military drones and are designed to detect neutrino emissions from nuclear material. Would explain why the anti-collision lights are on and why the government is being dismissive. I truly hope this isn’t he explanation but it would make since as the government couldn’t just say, we are looking for a nuke, people would loses their minds.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 2 months, 4 weeks ago
    It's quite evident that the media is on the side of the Deep State and against the American people.
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    • Posted by 2 months, 4 weeks ago
      I don't think its just the media but the government ran media. I think its just kabuki theater to keep us distracted. Possible because the deep state is pushing for war? The crap going on and being under reported is amazing. I understand the Ukraine has sent more ATACMS to Russia, with love.


      I just think we are trying to blow this all up before Trump takes control so he's too busy to clean out the deep state.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 2 months, 3 weeks ago
    The latest double-speak by the administration on this is too obvious. I'm switching off from this whole story anymore. "These vehicles are being operated in a legal way. We need to pass legislation to create a new agency to protect us from these vehicles." This is just more pre-Trump shenanigans by the administration...
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