"Kamala Harris Got Into Law School Via a Program She Didn't Quality For"

Posted by $ BobCat 3 hours, 28 minutes ago to Politics
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No surprises here. Marxists just being marxists... rules for thee and not for me...

Excerpts:...' she fudged her application. Harris was admitted under a program called LEOP....She was part of the pre-orientation Legal Education Opportunity Program (LEOP), which had been founded in 1969 to help law students from disadvantaged communities navigate the stringent demands of the first-year curriculum. Harris had come to a predominantly white institution after four years at a historically Black university. ...Harris was immersed in Indian culture growing up in Montreal. Her family traveled the world. Her mother was taken aback when a Head Start teacher was “shocked” that Harris wasn’t from the poor side of Oakland. Harris’s mother told him that Kamala was the daughter of privilege. Harris didn’t fit into the intended target demographic that LEOP was designed for – but she fully took advantage of her ethnic heritage. At least one side of it. Once admitted under the program Haris joined the BLSA (Black Law Students Association). Raised by her Indian mother, Harris found more currency in being black. ...'
SOURCE URL: https://redstate.com/jimthompson/2024/10/22/kamala-got-into-law-school-based-on-program-she-didnt-quality-for-n2180892

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  • Posted by freedomforall 2 hours, 44 minutes ago
    ... and the college "education" encouraged more of the same cheating, stealing, lying, and projection of her faults on anyone who opposed her.
    D.C. is filled with people having these faults. NIFO. 👍
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