Theft of taxpayers money. The bottomless pit.

Posted by Dobrien 2 weeks ago to Education
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From a conflict of interest. By Joe Lange
Remember when $40 billion in cash sent to Iran By Bush that went missing?

What does the enemy value more than anything in the world?



I don’t think most people realize the depth of corruption in our government when it comes to TAXPAYER THEFT.

Money is the keystone, and Q told us to follow the money because it is the common denominator in all the corruption and treason. Everything is connected to money.

Anybody that tries to stop the flow of money from the taxpayers to the hidden enemy and their puppets is deemed a threat. And when that person sits in the most powerful position in the world and also commands the most feared fighting force in the world, extreme measures are used to eliminate that threat.

Trump and his family risk their lives every single day in order to defeat this worldwide enemy. The war is real, and Trump accepted that reality long before he ever announced he was running for president.

Exerpt : It doesn’t seem that anyone in the US government planned ahead of time to put so much responsibility—and temptation—into the hands of just one man.

A typical pallet held 640 bundles, which the handlers called “bricks,” with a thousand bills in each bundle. Each pallet weighed 1,500 pounds, and they were separated by color. Gold seals were used for $100 bills, brown seals held $50 bills, purple seals $20, and so on.

The chain of custody of the cash was rigorously documented as it left the custody of the New York Fed and was signed over to Air Force officers, who oversaw the loading of C-17 transport planes and flew with the bales of money on the long flight to Baghdad. When the cargo holds were unloaded in Baghdad, Basel was there.

Why would we be so diligent in the chain of custody, transferring $40 billion from New York only to allow for no chain of custody or paper trail once it got to Baghdad?

You know the answer.

The plan was always to steal the money and President George W. Bush didn’t just turn a blind eye to the theft, he actually stopped an investigation that had discovered over $1.5 billion in a bunker in Lebanon.

This is how American taxpayers are scammed out of their hard earned money.

Q mentioned how the scam works in drop #2807, from Feb 19, 2019:

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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 1 week, 4 days ago
    CT Blumie in the last meme says all I need to know.
    He's a commie too!
    Thanks for posting brother, will read it later, goin out to a retirement dinner for my KTV boss . . . gona miss him but we vowed to go out with the wives together now and then.
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