Who Really Profits from The Ukraine War?

Posted by freedomforall 3 months, 3 weeks ago to Politics
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"Few people understand what the war in Ukraine means for big business—namely, opportunity. It’s not just the weapons and reconstruction contracts. Ukraine’s vast agricultural lands—among the most fertile in the world—are up for grabs, and American companies like BlackRock are at the front of the line. RFK Jr. Deftly and clearly explains.

JP Morgan and BlackRock — From Financiers of Destruction to Half-Trillion Dollar ‘Heroes’ of Reconstruction – The Hypocrisy of Reconstruction of Ukraine by the Same Corporations that Profited from the War

JP Morgan and BlackRock, along with consultancy McKinsey & Company, are collaborating with the Ukrainian government to establish a reconstruction fund. The objective of this fund is to attract significant investments for the country’s reconstruction, which could cost between $400 billion and $1 trillion, depending on estimates. This fund, known as the Fund for the Development of Ukraine, will use a “blended finance” approach to mobilize both public and private capital, targeting priority sectors such as infrastructure, climate and agriculture.

BlackRock and JP Morgan offered their services pro bono to manage this fund, leveraging their expertise in financial markets and debt management. The intention is that this fund can begin to operate fully once the war ends, although planning is already underway and has been discussed at recent international conferences.

The recent partnership between JP Morgan, BlackRock and McKinsey & Company to rebuild Ukraine highlights the bitter irony of the current geopolitical situation. In a deal that aims to raise hundreds of billions of dollars for the reconstruction of war-torn Ukraine, these American financial giants now position themselves as the economic saviors of a country whose destruction, in part, was facilitated by policies and actions in financial markets that they themselves dominated and shaped."
D.C. is utterly corrupt. NIFO
The banking cartel and Wall St are corrupt thieves who steal from the rest of us every single day. NIFO
SOURCE URL: https://www.theburningplatform.com/2024/11/16/who-really-profits-from-the-ukraine-war/

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      • Posted by 3 months, 3 weeks ago
        Interesting points. In retrospect, perhaps Poroshenko (the previous puppet) should have cared
        more about the people living in the Donbas (not that I think that is the entire motive of Putin's
        In 2023 foodstuff made up over 50% of Ukraine's exports with iron/steel/ore at 12%.
        That was after the war reduced Ukraine's food production by more than 20% as farming was
        disrupted by war. World food prices increased to all time highs. Russia has profited in the
        export of food as a result.
        War is almost always primarily about tangible assets and power.
        I think that is the case in Ukraine, too.
        I also think that Putin is a Russian patriot, not just a power-mad tyrant as depicted by the west.
        Of course, I do agree on your comment about how profits come from weapons.
        I also wonder how the war has affected the planned research and production in the ~2 dozen
        bio-labs that were 'discovered', and if that was to become a much larger source of revenue
        for Ukraine. I know that if I discovered such labs being constructed by my neighbors, I
        would be very concerned and probably decide to take action to stop them.
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  • Posted by CharlesRAnderson 3 months, 3 weeks ago
    Is the claim here that that Russia invaded Ukraine because Russia had been able to finance its invasion due to collaboration with Wall St? Or is the claim that Wall St. is behind the Biden policy of providing Ukraine with weapons too late and with use restrictions designed to prolong the war and its destruction? I agree that Wall St. and the federal government take advantage of most Americans, but I think that they do that is much more obvious in the Green New Deal and generally with respect to the failed hypothesis of catastrophic man-made global warming. So-called Climate Change is a several trillions of dollars fraud.
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