Classified and Special Access FTW

Posted by CaptainKirk 3 months, 3 weeks ago to Politics
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This is my own hot take. As someone who likes to design systems, I have to point out that we have 3 control mechanisms stopping us from being successful. I've already written about the first two (Banking enslaving us while collecting about 3x the interest on the debt as untaxed fees), and (K Street where Congress/Senators must dial for dollars to get on different committees).

This is the third control point. Imagine having a system of secrecy, such that EVEN A SITTING PRESIDENT is not read in. He, in fact, cannot be told ALL of the Special Access programs the government has going on. AND how would he know if they withheld some of them?

Government Secrets are Repugnant in a Free Society. Especially when our elected officials CANNOT be read in. And WILL NOT be read in.

What if there is a Special Access program that installs hardware to record everything going over the internet or all phone conversations?
What if there is a program that ensures only Presidents they can control get elected... And if one scrapes by, they ensure it doesn't happen again?

The challenge is that some secrets are obviously a good thing. But the current system is so secretive. We have no idea who is controlling it.

If I was a SciFi writer... I would write that the aliens swooped in, saw the system infiltrated ONE part of it, and quickly took control over it, killed off any of a few people who could question them...

And NOBODY would know.

In fact, the point of this missive is that this third piece is so well designed and so well hidden, and so well funded. That we have no idea who is controlling the United States. Maybe that's why a divided legislature could sign a Veto-Proof bill that prevented Trump from lifting Russian sanctions.

Makes me wonder if it is still in effect... Even if he wins again.
In fact, 2nd hand feedback from someone talking to a Three Letter Agency, said this is, IN FACT, the case. Now, what are the odds that Trump will not be able to get the votes to repeal it, EVEN IF he negotiates a peace deal?

Let's hope not. But I would not be surprised.
The SYSTEM is the problem!

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  • Posted by freedomforall 3 months, 3 weeks ago
    I couldn't agree more about the fedgov needing transparency. đź‘Ť
    Apparently, so does RFK, Jr., who mentioned his intent to significantly modify the C_A if he can.
    "“The entire upper echelon of that agency is made of individuals who
    don’t believe in the institutions of the United States of America,” RFK said."

    I'll be surprised if RFK gets any such power if Trump gets to be POTUS.

    However, I don't believe transparency is enough.
    About 90% or more of the fedgov is operating outside the
    intended restrictions of the US Constitution. All of those
    functions of the fedgov must be eradicated and made
    literally unconstitutional by amendment.
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