Merging of Minds... Dr. Chris Martenson meets Ivor Cummins And Truths Fly

Posted by CaptainKirk 4 months, 2 weeks ago to Politics
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Okay, this is a great video. It covers so many things.
But the key take away is that the ideas are spreading like contagions.
Ivor was WAY AHEAD of the CV-19 lies, using pure science. And he was silenced for it.

This first video is awesome, because it kinda represents "Super Heroes meeting and realizing they share a lot in common even though they got here from completely different starting points"... It's like a virtual Gulch!

This is a link to his "masterclass" which he keeps to topics he CAN EASILY PROVE, so this is shareable with normies to a degree!


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  • Posted by JohnRandALL 4 months, 2 weeks ago
    I was in northern Italy (Verona) when Covid hit there, late February/early March 2020. Everything except grocery stores closed, hardly anyone outside, if they were outside, they had to be masked and keep one meter apart (not 6 feet like USA). The city was silent except occasional ambulance sirens. We literally caught the last flight out, to Munich, before the airport closed. It was total overkill. But the point was proven. The populace can be totally controlled, like sheep.
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