The Supreme Court was never intended to have the final word on laws. That Right Was Reserved To The People.
Posted by freedomforall 5 months, 2 weeks ago to Politics
"You have heard the phrase, court of last resort? The Supreme Court was never intended to be that. At least, not by the man who wrote the Declaration of Independence and probably also not by the man who was largely responsible for drafting the Bill of Rights. Those men were Thomas Jefferson and George Mason, respectively.
Jefferson thought there ought to be other resorts – such as nullification (by the states, by which he meant the people) of edicts that were deemed insufferable (as well as not constitutional) by the states and so, the people. He wrote at length about this last resort in the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, which are of course regarded as heresies by the proponents of the idea that the federal government determines the limits of its own powers, via its court of last resort.
The Supreme Court.
This was decided – as in I am the Decider – by the Supreme Court, itself, in the case of Marbury v. Madison. In which Jefferson’s enemy (and thus, an enemy of the people) John Marshall, then chief justice of the Supreme Court, simply decreed that the highest federal court is the final court of appeal. Whatever it says is “constitutional” is – or is not. When it says a plaintiff with a case does not have “standing,” he doesn’t.
And that’s all there is to it.
Some will argue that is not very . . . democratic. In that the people have no meaningful say as no ordinary citizen gets to vote for a Supreme Court “justice,” as if these nine people were in fact dispensers of the latter. The fact is they’re undemocratically selected by one person and appointed for life terms, which means once appointed they are free to decide whatever they like and there are no consequences for them and no appeal for us."
D.C. is utterly corrupt.
Freedom from D.C. tyranny has been in decline since 1860.
"You have heard the phrase, court of last resort? The Supreme Court was never intended to be that. At least, not by the man who wrote the Declaration of Independence and probably also not by the man who was largely responsible for drafting the Bill of Rights. Those men were Thomas Jefferson and George Mason, respectively.
Jefferson thought there ought to be other resorts – such as nullification (by the states, by which he meant the people) of edicts that were deemed insufferable (as well as not constitutional) by the states and so, the people. He wrote at length about this last resort in the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, which are of course regarded as heresies by the proponents of the idea that the federal government determines the limits of its own powers, via its court of last resort.
The Supreme Court.
This was decided – as in I am the Decider – by the Supreme Court, itself, in the case of Marbury v. Madison. In which Jefferson’s enemy (and thus, an enemy of the people) John Marshall, then chief justice of the Supreme Court, simply decreed that the highest federal court is the final court of appeal. Whatever it says is “constitutional” is – or is not. When it says a plaintiff with a case does not have “standing,” he doesn’t.
And that’s all there is to it.
Some will argue that is not very . . . democratic. In that the people have no meaningful say as no ordinary citizen gets to vote for a Supreme Court “justice,” as if these nine people were in fact dispensers of the latter. The fact is they’re undemocratically selected by one person and appointed for life terms, which means once appointed they are free to decide whatever they like and there are no consequences for them and no appeal for us."
D.C. is utterly corrupt.
Freedom from D.C. tyranny has been in decline since 1860.
in what fashion?
the people still have the last word
Convention of States
Amendments to the Constitution
the process MUST BE difficult
or we would have a democracy and no sane person wants that
Expecting the fedgov to police its own limits on power was always foolish.
But the corrupt tyrant and war criminal Lincoln had to centralize power for the puppeteers who paid for his election.
they are doing that now with the 1st and 2nd and likely the 4th and 5th Amendments
the basic problem remains people are too damned asleep or lazy or clueless
Indeed. 👍