The past century has been a slow regime change, a gradual coup, undermining our Constitution and Constitutional Republic.

Posted by freedomforall 1 month ago to Government
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"What if I told you that the President of the United States doesn’t really run our government? Or that most people in Washington, D.C., don’t really believe in representative democracy? Or that a government of, by, and for the people is just an illusion? Because all of those things are closer to reality than the idea that we are still a republic in which all power flows from the people to their duly elected representatives to create a government that promotes and defends the interests of the American people first and last.

It’s time for the American people to understand that the past century has seen a slow regime change, a gradual coup, undermining our Constitution and Constitutional Republic. This internal insurrection has undercut the original intent of the Constitution, eroded our freedoms, undermined our civil liberties, and called into question who is actually governing this country.

The coup I’m referring to is the focus of my new book, American Leviathan, which examines the Progressive Statist movement that began in the early 20th century and gave rise to the unconstitutional and un-American Administrative State that now dominates Washington, D.C., and, by extension, our country.

The Progressive movement, led by such men as Woodrow Wilson, Herbert Croly, Robert La Follette, and Theodore Roosevelt, was a complete rejection of the original intent of the Constitution. In fact, the Progressive movement, as John Marini wrote in Unmasking the Administrative State, “has as its fundamental purpose the destruction of the political and moral authority of the U.S. Constitution.”"

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  • Posted by VetteGuy 1 month ago
    It all starts with the schools. The kids are not taught to think logically, because if they did, they would see through much of the propaganda. This is not new, in fact it has been ongoing for several generations of students and teachers.

    Now it is so ingrained into the thinking of most, that I'm not sure if it can be turned around. I'm sure it would, at minimum, take a few generations to do, and right now it is getting worse, not better.

    But they still (so far) are teaching kids to read, and a few will find Atlas Shrugged and similar literature. Not enough, I fear. In the meantime, I'm glad to have this Gulch to hang out in and retain some glimpses of sanity in the world.
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  • Posted by CrustyOldGeezer 3 weeks, 6 days ago
    IF you have, or your family, neighbors, friends, co-workers have school age children, check into HOMESCHOOL GROUPS in your area.

    They are homeschool Parent/teachers and helpers that may, or may not, take children based on the needs of the group and what the parents can offer in help.
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  • Posted by CrustyOldGeezer 3 weeks, 6 days ago

    to get to be a teacher in americas indoctrination centers, all one needs is a 2 year degree which will get you a job with a school district someplace.
    Once on the payroll they join the union which guarantees their lifetime job.

    THAT puts high double digit and very low triple digit IQs at the front of classrooms where the average IQ is a minimum of 40 points on the teachers.

    The low IQ 'teachers' BORE THEIR STUDENTS TO SLEEP and turn them into mind numbed robots.

    International Aptitude test scores prove my point year after year.

    NOBODY can teach above their own ability to comprehend the subject matter.
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    • Posted by minesayn 3 weeks, 5 days ago
      I hope you are being sarcastic in regards to the schooling of teachers,COG.

      My sister was a teacher for 37 years before retiring. She still tutors children, and even when my younger sister and I were kids, she made up lessons for us every summer.

      She got a 4-year degree from The Ohio State University, and she got her teaching position the summer after her graduation. Within a year, she started taking graduate courses and eventually got her Master's degree from OSU (all the while teaching), too. It wasn't until she got her Master's that she received tenure.

      All certified teachers are required to have a Bachelor's degree, at least, but all take some graduate courses, and most get a Master's degree.

      As for pay, it is one of the lowest for a professional with a college degree, and yet we entrust our children to teachers to educate them.

      She retired several years ago, and despite the promises of the state retirement plan for teachers, she is making less than she was when she first retired. The cost-of-living raise is actually lower than inflation (1%) although they were promised (at least 3% every year).

      I don't know any teacher except for maybe some pre-school teachers that don't have a 4-year degree.
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      • Posted by VetteGuy 3 weeks, 5 days ago
        There are some really good teachers out there. They are under-appreciated and underpaid.

        There are also some who are very poor, and they can't be fired because of the union. They are overpaid and give the rest a bad name.

        If the union could be eliminated, possibly things could turn around. If bad teachers could be fired, maybe respect for the profession could be restored and pay could reflect the responsibility they are entrusted with.

        I'm not holding my breath. I think the socialist mindset is firmly entrenched in the education departments of the universities that are turning out the next generation of teachers, who will then indoctrinate the next generation, etc. And if anything, it's getting worse, not better.

        Full disclosure: My daughter is a Special Ed teacher. With a Masters Degree. For her, it's not just a job, It's a calling.
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        • Posted by minesayn 3 weeks, 5 days ago
          My sister wasn't a Special Ed teacher, but for her, it was a calling, too. She knew she was going to be a teacher after second grade. I think that's why she made up lessons for us to do every summer, and we did them. She was that committed to being a teacher. For her, it was not about the pay, but in retirement, she still should get what she worked should your daughter when she retires.
          My roommate in college was also an education major, even taking special classes for certification in LD classes. For her, it was a calling, too. I think for many teachers, it IS a calling; they certainly don't do it for the money.
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      • Posted by 3 weeks, 5 days ago
        Unionized teachers are paid much better in many places than college graduates in
        non-union/non-government jobs, and their retirement benefits are more than double
        what other graduates receive-if they get anything at all.
        Teacher unions are finally hitting the wall on retirement pay. The retirement funds a
        re empty and they are finally being forced to accept that they made promises that t
        hey can't keep. Wow, unions that promise more than they deliver. What a shock.
        Your sister began teaching in a different era where teachers were hired for their ability.
        For the past 30+ years teachers have been hired for skin color and without regard for ability.
        Solution: Fire the lot of them and start over with private funding. Eliminate 'school taxes'
        that enslave all home 'owners' to pay useless government scum for their shelter forever.
        Hire only based upon merit and send the looters packing.
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      • Posted by CrustyOldGeezer 3 weeks, 5 days ago
        As I clearly stated:

        2 year gets a shot at 'teachers assistant' or similar position, on the payroll and union membership.

        Teaching degrees are among the easiest and cheapest career choices.

        A degree in 'education' DOES NOT mean a HIGH IQ.
        They can easily be achieved by upper double digit IQ persons.

        I believe that the MINIMUM IQ for Kindergarten should be +125, elementary school 135+... you get the drift.

        NOBODY can TEACH ABOVE THEIR OWN LEVEL to comprehend the subject matter.
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        • Posted by 3 weeks, 5 days ago
          Actually, in the lower grades most children can be well served by a caring adult with good moral
          values even if they aren't high IQ. An adult with a 100 IQ can easily understand and instruct at
          a 1-5 grade level. The challenge comes at higher grade levels. Even then a person with an
          average IQ can still function well teaching non-math/science subjects.
          In addition, basic 'technical' skills have been left out of many schools for decades. Those
          skills are still much needed and can be taught to the young by those who have acquired
          those skills on the job, and high IQ isn't required to teach them. Would a high IQ be an
          advantage? I don't know. For many with high aspirations, teaching is not stimulating
          enough to the intellect.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov 3 weeks, 5 days ago
    Even most really educated people aren't familiar with Hobbes' original treatise, "Leviathan," which was a justification for an absolute monarchy. Hobbes felt most of the people were helpless, needing the protection only a wise and beneficent ruler could provide, and that that ruler couldn't have actions delayed by bureaucrats who wasted time debating about things that needed immediate attention. In his era, the peasants accepted the fact they were powerless, and so were more easily convinced that a monarch, acting as a kind of national parent was the best form of governance.

    The communist revolution succeeded in Russia in part because the monarchist mindset was a long standing element of that society. When Lenin swept aside the western philosophy of representative government and replaced it with an oligarchy called "The Dictatorship of the Proletariat," it was readily accepted by a peasantry that had been disappointed when their "Little Father," as they called the Tsar, had failed them. Absolute control from the top was their norm.

    The new Bolsheviks determined to install an American oligarchy understood that the fire of independence need to be stamped out in order to establish absolutist control. By convincing most Americans they're just helpless victims they hope to create a new peasantry eager to embrace a "great leader" (who is nothing more than a figurehead for the oligarchs behind him).

    Obama was supposed to be that great leader, but the effort failed. When the Bolsheviks saw how unnerved many people were by Trump's effort to convince them they weren't victims, they were encouraged, but had no strong figure to install once they ejected the bothersome Trump.

    What has since dawned on the Bolsheviks is that maybe a great leader isn't necessary, so long as you can magnify the fear of independence as a kind of helplessness itself. They're testing that now with a figurehead who is the ultimate empty shell in Kamala Harris. Even supporters know she's incapable and incompetent, but feel sure the oligarchy behind her will take care of them, unlike that terrifying alternative who wants them to be able to help themselves.
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    • Posted by VetteGuy 3 weeks, 5 days ago
      Re: "the ultimate empty shell" - Biden and Harris are both empty shells. She is simply following the playbook that Joe has followed ever since his campaign started in 2020.

      It is now abundantly clear to anyone paying the slightest bit of attention that Biden is NOT running the country. Whoever IS running it desperately wants Harris to replace him, so they can continue in power, behind the scenes, to force their agenda on the rest of us.
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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 3 weeks, 5 days ago
    I'm probably going to start a fist fight here, but here goes.
    The bus went off the cliff after that False Flag, better known as nine-elven.
    Jim Marrs tells the tale much better than I, specifically, the buildings were never meant to come down.
    It was suppose to be a fire, some people would die for sure, but it would just be another building fire.
    In fact, jet planes were incapable of bringing them down.
    They were designed to with stand the hit of four 747's fully loaded.
    Not a single puny, mid-sized, two engine commuter jet. (Judy Wood has all the nitty-gritty details in hard numbers).
    And certainly not in two hours.
    A third party, the people who really run this world, slapped Bush the Stupid upside the head, like a red-headed stepchild he is, to show him he wasn't in charge of anything.
    Tesla's death ray took down those towers. Not jet fuel. It simply couldn't.
    But in the end, Cheney and Rumsfeld rolled out the Unconstitutional "Patriot Act" that they had written eight months earlier..
    This was all in the plan.
    We, the Sheeple, bought it hook, line and sinker.
    Hey, I was sucked in like everyone else. Well, not everyone.
    The graybeards in my work, were not so fooled. They were trying to warn me this was bad, very, bad, so bad the country might never recover.
    After all, they lived through the Hitler, Mussolini, Tito, Mao, and Stalin, they knew evil when they saw it.
    But did we learn our lesson.... NOOOOOOO
    Along comes an engineered virus and we (collectively) put up with sh!t I never thought people would ever tolerate in a million years.
    This time I rebelled, it almost certainly cost me my career, but hey, f*ckit. a man can only be pushed so far, and I found my limit.
    Time Of The Hour is here my friends (Hit tip to Bill Cooper)
    Time to find out what you are made of.
    Are you going to speak up against the madness while there is still time?
    Or wait until they come for you?
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