Pfizer Whistleblower Exposes Vaxx Fraud, Federal Court Dismisses Lawsuit Against Big Pharma
Posted by freedomforall 7 months ago to Politics
"A reader asked me recently what can be done on the legal front against Pfizer and Moderna regarding their genocidal shots that were deceptively marketed as “vaccines” even though they are gene therapies.
First, any meaningful action by the government, the only entity with the power to make them pay, would require an executive branch that respects the rule of law and works on behalf of its people — which obviously doesn’t exist and certainly won’t for as long as the Democrats hold power.
Second, any meaningful action by the government or private entities requires a judiciary that’s also honest and beholden to the rule of law, which would allow fraud lawsuits to proceed unmolested.
If those prerequisites are met, the crux of the matter becomes proving whether Pfizer lied in its clinical trials to push the shots through the emergency use authorization (EUA) process — which it certainly did."
"A reader asked me recently what can be done on the legal front against Pfizer and Moderna regarding their genocidal shots that were deceptively marketed as “vaccines” even though they are gene therapies.
First, any meaningful action by the government, the only entity with the power to make them pay, would require an executive branch that respects the rule of law and works on behalf of its people — which obviously doesn’t exist and certainly won’t for as long as the Democrats hold power.
Second, any meaningful action by the government or private entities requires a judiciary that’s also honest and beholden to the rule of law, which would allow fraud lawsuits to proceed unmolested.
If those prerequisites are met, the crux of the matter becomes proving whether Pfizer lied in its clinical trials to push the shots through the emergency use authorization (EUA) process — which it certainly did."
those responsible for this disaster MUST be punished or our nation is not worth the ink on the Constitution
There would be no way to prove it, of course, but I'd be willing to bet my next SS check that the percent of big Pharma workers who actually took the vax is much, much closer to 10 percent that it is to 100 percent.
I was forced into retirement six months ahead of what I had planned as my company gave all its employees three choices: quit, get fired, or get, get vaxxed. Fortunately for me, I had a fourth choice, retiring early. My better half worked in healthcare, so she agreed to the vaccinations in order to keep working. So far, she hasn't shown any weird problems (like an arm growing out of her forehead). But I'm really worried that problems are on the horizon, things that would have come up had there been the usual 10 years of testing before a vaccine was offered to the public.