
It's all over but the cryin'

Posted by JGISSD 12 years, 5 months ago to Politics
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A Wisconsin judge on Friday struck down nearly all of the state law championed by Gov. Scott Walker that effectively ended collective bargaining rights for most public workers.

In his 27-page ruling, the judge said sections of the law "single out and encumber the rights of those employees who choose union membership and representation solely because of that association and therefore infringe upon the rights of free speech and association guaranteed by both the Wisconsin and United States Constitutions."

Right-To-Not-Work" states are next on the list of coercive business practices that will be reversed, especially since they resulted from Republicans using government force to grossly overstep the mandate of the Constitution.
SOURCE URL: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/14/wisconsin-collective-bargaining-law_n_1885601.html

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