Trump Versus Reality, Part Two, by Robert Gore

Posted by straightlinelogic 2 months ago to Government
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All eyes are on Trump and team, and that’s the problem. The government is the star around which everything else orbits. In the U.S., as in the rest of the world, government is the dominant fixture in the lives of those who must live under it. Trump promises to Make America Great Again. Effective as that slogan has been, that’s all it is, an advertising bromide. Nations and other collectives are never great; once in a great while individuals are. The only role governments have in the quest for greatness is to stay out of the way of the individuals capable of achieving it.

This is an excerpt. For the complete article, please click the above link.
SOURCE URL: https://straightlinelogic.com/2024/12/21/trump-versus-reality-part-two-by-robert-gore/#more-171676

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    Posted by $ Olduglycarl 2 months ago
    Maybe I missed something, he, to my recollection, never said, Make Government great again, he instead, said, Make AMERICA Great Again . . . by making government small again.

    I would have to label ALL governments of the world, including ours, a Kakistocracy.
    government by the worst or least qualified and I have asserted that the "Or" be replaced with "AND".
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  • Posted by term2 2 months ago
    Government just has to get out of the way 99% of the time. If Trump wants america to be great again, just get government out of the way
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 months ago
    I only have to compare the recent "Spending Bill"...

    1,200+ pages vs 120 pages.

    Call me IMPRESSED.

    Apparently Musk had Grok break it down. LOL, friggin' awesome already.

    And he saw what was in there.

    If we can get THESE types of results. I am ALL IN.

    Also, this is before President Trump takes power.

    This is AMAZING to me.
    This should remind ALL OF US what the potential is, to have Musk, with his PLATFORM, IQ, and AI to help redefine the future.

    Imagine when the goal is "reduce government" to allow innovation... And use Technology to guide the way (100% impartial technology).

    Imagine Grok Being trained to report on these bills as fast as Congress creates them. With a full analysis. Highlighting issues.

    What if Grok could be trained to summarize into a few simple graphs:
    Helps Congress vs. Helps You
    Reduces Govt vs. Increases Govt.

    Oh, imagine. Pretty soon, AI will be peeling open the sausage and making it easy/obvious what is going on.

    Welcome to this Brave New World!
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 2 months ago
    "To save the effort, watch the vaccine passport idea get rebranded as the citizenship passport." - oh shit. That's more believable.

    I love your article. But, I don't have to love the truth, do I? You're saying some things I've been thinking. Trump got elected on these ideas because they're good ideas. But, "reality" is more than an idea. The momentum of this overstuffed, grossly overpriced pig of a government is probably too great. And, Trump (IMO) really only has two years for reform. Literally...two years to save the country. Anything less than a total reversal of several programs, including the COMPLETE elimination of several federal departments, will not save us. The minute I realize Trump's back at it sending mean tweets from his toilet in response to Marxists reporters saying mean things about him I'll know we're cooked. But...I have "hope"...

    And, FWIW, I've never been a fan of tariffs. There's not substitute for slashing taxes and regulations to allow our manufacturing to compete. Resorting to tariffs this early feels like we've already thrown in the towel on this necessary reforms. They're not optional. They're necessary. Like breathing.
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    • Posted by term2 2 months ago
      Cut out the regulations that make it so expensive to make things here in the usa. China is just cheaper, and buying from them allows me to sell items that I make using chinese subassemblies at lower prices that our usa customers can afford.
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    • Posted by DrZarkov 2 months ago
      There are two ways tariffs work: first as a negotiating tactic, with offsets that either cancel or reduce the threatened tariffs; second, as a motivator to encourage companies that are either foreign-based, or American but have placed manufacturing overseas, to invest more in America, creating more jobs and resulting domestic revenues. At one time tariffs provided almost all of US government revenue, and can, if applied properly can create revenue that allows reducing or eliminating taxes.

      Reducing the strangling effect of overblown regulation can help reduce the price of goods, and inflation to further reduce financial pressure on individuals.
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      • Posted by term2 2 months ago
        Since a tariff is really an additional sales tax on consumption, it should have the same effect as an ordinary sales tax we already. have in place. The current sales tax just feeds local and state governments in addition to all the other taxes that are imposed. Tariffs would just do the same on a national level. If people stop trading with china (because of the lower prices the chinese charge), consumers here will have to endure the much higher prices that american business charges. My company. buys subassemblies from china that are 1/3 the price of equivalent american products (because of the horrendous cost of labor and everything here in the usa. Tariffs would have to be 300% to force me to buy american, and then I would have to substantially raise prices to my customers and suffer loss of business.

        Tariffs are stupid, period.
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        • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 months ago
          They are not stupid. They are a tool. Misused they can cause harm, true... But, they also level a playing field. The theory that all countries should "trade freely" is great when it is BOTH "All Countries" and "trade freely".

          But when other countries hit us with Tariffs, and think nothing of it...

          In this case. Tariffs are on the table, because they are part of the big stick.

          But I am 1,000% in support of tariffs, especially the way I understand Trump to want to use them. HE WILL, just to create an EXAMPLE out of one country. Which will give him more leverage with the other countries.

          Finally, I think Trump is smart enough to know that if we need a 300% Tariff for US Companies to compete... We need to look a little a deeper.

          With 100% Tariff... I don't think you would change your supplier. But others will...
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          • Posted by term2 1 month, 4 weeks ago
            A tariff simply hurts the consumer in the country that imposes the tariff. Rather than pay the tariff. Consumers will just stop making those purchases. In the case of a 60% tariff on china’s imports our small company would just lay off 8 employees and close
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            • Posted by Dobrien 1 month, 4 weeks ago
              This will bring manufacturers back to America. Jobs businesses and freedom. Your small business will never grow as you just use other manufactured parts from China to reassemble. I remember you saying the same thing when Trump tarrifs were implemented in 2017. You had 8 workers , but our economy thrived.
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              • Posted by term2 1 month, 3 weeks ago
                Trump will increase tariffs and what I see happening is prices will rise by the amount of the tariffs and the governments will reap the tariff money as a new national tax that they will spend on new programs, and states will reap benefit by collecting more sales taxes on the increased prices charged In the end, customers will either pay more for the same items, or simply buy fewer of them.
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              • Posted by term2 1 month, 3 weeks ago
                Interestingly enough a lot of what we might consider American businesses that we could purchase from buy a lot of parts and subassemblies from China. In the 1980’s my former businesses were vertically integrated. We bought nothing from China! But the regulations on workers and environment just made vertical integration impossible. Not to mention inflation and money printing by our government, as well as dropping the protections of the gold standard.

                The 25% tariffs Trump and Biden put in China did nothing really given that in our experience Chinese items cost 1/3 of what items manufactured in USA cost. Tariffs would have to be 300% to bring manufacturing back to the USA and make it uneconomic to buy from China and ship the items here
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                • Posted by Dobrien 1 month, 3 weeks ago
                  Trumps plan to cut 10 regulations for every new reg will level some of the playing field. The rest is just saving money by having slave labor produce it..
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                  • Posted by term2 1 month, 2 weeks ago
                    That will be a good thing. A lot of onerous regulations are local ones in Las Vegas. Trump could get rid of wage and hour regulations. Overtime is particularly onerous How about eliminating overtime if acceptable to the worker, and eliminating minimum wages
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            • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 month, 4 weeks ago
              I don't disagree about WHO pays the tariff. I do disagree about the PAIN of the tariff.

              It IS felt by China. In many cases we know the Chinese govt funds these companies to keep the Overly Competitive, to employ their people. not caring about the wages their people get, because once they are the last producers, the prices creep up.

              again, it's a tool. Like a gun. You can shoot yourself in the foot with it. But you can negotiate with it as well.

              The same thing can be said on taxing corporations. They don't ultimately pay the taxes, the push it into the price of their products.

              It's literally the same thing, but without the leverage for negotiation, IMO.

              The way I see it, you could be addicted to the drug of Cheap Chinese materials. And for me, this is where Marketing comes in. Sell on being made in the USA and sourced in the USA and not on price. also, if ALL of your competitors face the same problems, then you all have to raise your prices.

              Finally, I would personally consider buying 20%-50% more than I need each month, for the potential, while simultaneously seeing if we could outsource from S. Korea or some other country.

              This could turn out to be an opportunity. At least that's how I believe Trump would interpret it. And if you did get a new source... You would reduce the support we send our Mortal Enemies who don't care how many Americans are dying from their Fentanyl.
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              • Posted by term2 1 month, 4 weeks ago
                To the extent that china is subsidizing the items I bubuy from them, horrah !! I and my customers are ggetting a really good deal. If course, the problem is that WE arent on a gold standard, so continual bubuying from other countries should result in making the US dollar worth less vs the other countries' currencies. We arent on the gold standard, so the system isnt self correcting.
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        • Posted by DrZarkov 2 months ago
          The difference is (and this is simply an objective statement, no criticism intended) you're looking at things through a narrow lens focused on your own business, while Trump is looking at the picture from a national level. What the media carefully avoids mentioning is that the nations he's targeting have been imposing huge tariffs on American products for some time, and we've failed to respond to protect our own interests.

          The claim that American made products can't compete with Chinese goods is based on the harsh fact that Chinese goods don't have the burden of excessive regulation that American companies do. Chinese labor costs aren't really so much lower than American labor costs, but their overhead cost of dealing with regulatory burdens is a lot less. Relieving American companies of regulations that cost far more than the supposed benefit they provide would do a lot to level the playing field.

          Tariffs, if used as a scalpel instead of a steamroller, do make sense.
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          • Posted by term2 1 month, 4 weeks ago
            If Trump reduced overhead costs and regulation in USA, it might actually help. Also getting rid of deficit spending could stop inflation in its tracks. Tariffs will just cause prices to rise for USA consumers
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            • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 month, 4 weeks ago
              Let me add that I am 100% Okay with paying more if it gives Trump the leverage to negotiate.

              And this is DOUBLY True for Antibiotics!
              I find it PURE Insanity that the USA did not maintain the infrastructure/ability to produce ALL of the antibiotics we could need during a war...
              We are literally going to have a hard wake up call.
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              • Posted by term2 1 month, 4 weeks ago
                What is he going to negotiate? Getting china to stop selling precursors to fentalyl? Frankly, I dont care about fentanyl. If we made all those drugs legal, the prices would collapse and the cartels would stop promoting them. Some druggies might die, but the solution is to NOT buy drugs from your local drug dealer.
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                • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 month, 4 weeks ago
                  So, China helping to eradicate 100,000 Americans/year isn't your problem. I get that.

                  But it IS Trumps Problem. and I am glad he is working on it.

                  Quick question. If you knew that your companies profits via China were leading to 100 of those people dying per day... Would you change your mind, or is it still not your problem.

                  Back to the Objectivist Point. You are seeking your own goals. And Trump his seeking his. If your goals are a net negative on society. You don't have to care. And if Trumps goals are a net negative on you. Does he have to care? (Honestly Curious, I am not suggesting you become a collectivist. And I am assuming Trump negotiating on our behalf is not making him a Collectivist because he is acting on his values)
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                  • Posted by term2 1 month, 3 weeks ago
                    First of all, our government shouldn’t be making drugs illegal that people willingly want to take. That just brings in organized crime to reap the higher prices. Secondly, people should be more responsible in terms of. Putting things in their bodies that they don’t verify the actual purity of what they take one way or another
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                    • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 month, 3 weeks ago
                      Overall, I don't disagree...
                      Until the medical system gets people addicted to opiods. Then cuts them off.
                      I've lost family and friends to these drugs.

                      FWIW, it's not the drugs. It's the ability the government has to make people feel disconnected.

                      Rats in a happy environment don't get addicted to cocaine. But put them alone in a cage and they all do.

                      If you've truly met someone struggling to stop their pain... They are not thinking straight enough and quite frankly once they have gone so far, death is inevitable and often welcome. Even if it just stops the pain.

                      We've got lots of problems... Hating each other should not be one of them.

                      But freedoms must also include the freedom to make bad choices.
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          • Posted by NealS 2 months ago
            And tariffs used as a threat seem to work pretty well. Look at all the other threats, how well they work. Take for example, Canada as our 51st State. Well maybe that isn't such a good example any more, or is it?
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            • Posted by DrZarkov 2 months ago
              The 51st state comment was a joke. The sobering part is that Trudeau has created such internal hostility that at least one province, Alberta, has made it clear they would welcome becoming part of the US. Hopefully the conservatives there take over and straighten things out.
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              • Posted by NealS 2 months ago
                If Trump was at all involved, then it wasn't really a joke at all. Even the meme factory can be a joke, a reality, or a threat, and make things happen today.
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                • Posted by DrZarkov 2 months ago
                  I think a lot of Trump's comments at this point are a kind of "fire for effect" to watch domestic and international reaction. Those reactions, at this stage, will help shape serious actions by his administration once he's officially the US President. It's a smart tactic, and better than the mistakes he made the first time around, depending on supposed "experts" to tell him how people would respond to policies.
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                  • Posted by NealS 2 months ago
                    Exactly. I tell my liberal friends (actully only one) that don't get it yet, that "It's all about the children". That confuses the hell out of them (him).
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      • Posted by hattrup 2 months ago
        But tariffs are taxes.
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        • Posted by DrZarkov 2 months ago
          Only if two things happen: the party whose products are subject to the tariff doesn't lower their prices to reduce the market effect of the tariff; and the domestic consumer doesn't seek an alternative or simply doesn't buy the tariffed product.

          A tariff isn't the same as sales tax, as the former often elicits a response with positive results, while the latter is in effect no matter what the conditions are. A tariff can produce a negative response, such as "revenge" tariffs on the other nation's goods, but those have a negative effect on the vengeful party by creating a trade war that could result in killing sales to the other nation altogether.

          The US has been far too lenient to tariffs imposed on American goods by other nations, with the only response being an occasional weak complaint. This is like the "white guilt" emotion expanded to the entire nation: we're too successful, and have no right to complain when less successful nations (even if they're developed countries) deliberately restrict our trade to protect their own domestic production.
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  • Posted by Lakestalker 2 months ago
    As much as I love where he wants to take us, I’m afraid it is just going to be a four year pause on our march toward global tyranny.
    I am however hoping I’m wrong and Americans will wake up and end the madness.
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    • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 month, 4 weeks ago
      Suddenly I am HAPPY Trump did not take office in 2020...

      I think he needed the Hero's Journey that we got.
      I KNOW the country needed it.
      I KNOW MAGA needed it.

      You are 1,000% correct. Only if we educate enough people as to the Pure Destructruction government HAS BEEN and WILL BE, unless We The People vote with Conscious towards these things.

      The goal should not just be to fire 80% and prove they were wasteful. The Goal needs to be to CHANGE how things are down, to automate them, simplify them. And build a MAGA MOTTO that includes automating government out of it's growth phase and into its reduction phase.

      We must wake up! That the government doing less, and we individually doing more is always the better answer.

      I am, to this point, thinking FEMA should be based on GoFundThis... Where Americans speak by sending their money to fund it, which then allows FEMA to use a "Multiplier". (So that HI and NC would have seen a generous flow, but NOT for housing illegals or Fake Asylum seekers)
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      • Posted by Dobrien 1 month, 4 weeks ago
        WATERGATE x1000
        SEPT 14-18, 21-25 [track & follow events]
        Did Kevin set his alarm?
        Merry Christmas CaptainKirk
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