All you need to know about COVID19 PlanDEMic

Posted by Dobrien 3 months, 4 weeks ago to Science
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Dr David Martin whose job for 25 years was to investigate and study bioweapons.
SOURCE URL: https://gab.com/DanielGuevaraSr/posts/113494307066631711

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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 3 months, 3 weeks ago
    Thanks Dan, we knew it went back a long time but as much as we found out,l as much as we knew, we didn't know the scope of it all. 63 gain of function viruses being monitored> MONITORED? WHY NOT LASERED INTO NON EXISTENCE ???

    Next question, do have enough bullets for the firering squads?
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    • Posted by $ Abaco 3 months, 3 weeks ago
      Well said. So far...They've gotten away with this. Will that change? We'll see. I recently mentioned here that in my work (designing medical facilities) I am spending half of my time in the design of compounding pharmacies. They are pretty specialized and difficult to design correctly. I'm just lucky, having been on the earliest steps of the new design standards. So, I'm designing new ones and redesigning ones that were designed wrong a few year ago. I've been told more than once, from knowledgeable cancer professionals that cancer is up 65% in 2024 over 2023. Hardly a peep on the MSM about this. FYI - compounding pharmacies are mainly in the business of cancer chemotherapy. They do some other, more enjoyable, things but mainly it's cancer. I have seen some data that might link this increase to mRNA vaccines. But, I want to see more data before I form my hypothesis. I think this increase is very dicey, however, and it needs to be looked into. I also have seen some information tying the C19 virus, not the vaccines for it, to blood clots. One conclusion I've come to is that this was all preventable. This wasn't a bat or a pangolin. Lost my dad. Lost a very close friend. Keeping an open mind about what the future will hold - feels like the healthiest approach.
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