Liberals I Know...

Posted by $ Abaco 2 months, 4 weeks ago to Culture
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I was thinking about this early this morning. I have several friends who are liberal. I admit this isn't a good, scientific sample....But, there are obvious similarities among those I know. I occasionally wonder what makes them tick. They tend to really open up to me on their thoughts (I guess I'm trusted) and I have found that to be very enlightening. Long story short...They seem to be delusional. They actually believe fallacies like Turmp deserves to be shot because he repeatedly calls for other other people to be physically attacked. (Remember what Niche said..."Those who can make you believe fallacies can make you commit atrocities." I find this chilling.) So, what are the similarities? They're all under-achievers. They all are living very comfortable. Most of them don't have jobs. One, my old bandmate and good guy, lives on his parents old farm acreage in Petaluma on top of a hill (I'd have to be a multi-millionaire to live there like he does). Hasn't had a job in a couple decades. Lives there with his wife of the past 5 years. One is retired in my neighborhood. One is "on disability" and doesn't work - lives with her trans child with the father long gone out of the picture. But lives in a nice neighborhood. One is my brother. Lives on inheritance and smokes plenty of weed and travels the world on his girlfriend's dime. (he's a bit of a kept man...whenever he's up for that). What you have here is several idle minds that are exposed to CNN-type news and it takes hold like a fishhook. This is just my own observation. What say you?

I've recently come to the realization that I've worked too hard, in a field that's actually underpaid. Ironic. Trying to slow down and smell the flowers more.

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  • Posted by JohnRandALL 2 months, 3 weeks ago
    I am on two physician only social media websites. One leans to the right, that is the one I spend most of my time on. On that site, not everyone agrees, but there are reasonable civil debates. The other site, the left sided one, is composed of doctors that fled the other site, when they could no longer tolerate the right wing views. They are totally intolerant of any views different than their own, and viciously attack. Only one doc trying to point out the fallacy of their beliefs remains. He has been accused of being a "troll", and was banned from the site for a week. I too, cannot understand many of the things they say on the left sided site. It is the feeling that their brains are different, that they are not even in touch with reality. As a physician, I know when I sense that, it usually means the patient is psychotic, or at least neurotic, or delusional. The other thing I noticed is regional. Most of the docs on the left site are all from the Northeast, or around Seattle.
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  • Posted by VetteGuy 2 months, 3 weeks ago
    Had a discussion with friends this morning over breakfast that ties in with this thought. Two of the guys lean left, one of them much more than the other. We were talking about Bill Maher, and his comments that the left is the 'party of crazy'.

    The more moderate guy agreed, but the other one said he thinks republicans are the crazy ones.

    The other part of the conversation involved the gullibility of the public. My argument is that people [in general] must be very gullible for advertising to be as profitable as it is. How much is a 30-sec super bowl ad?

    I think this gullibility goes a long way toward explaining how almost half the country bought the premise that 'Trump is Hitler'. No thought. No skepticism. No effort to review alternate sources to determine whether the mainstream media is deceiving you.

    I review multiple new sources, pretty much every day. Left, right and libertarian. Have had no luck finding much in the middle. My two friends? The mid-left reviews multiple sources, but all pretty much to the left. The hard-left guy only looks at a couple of hard-left sources, and buys everything they tell him.

    Again, pretty small sample, but it indicates the more you look around, the farther you move from the left.
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    • Posted by $ 2 months, 3 weeks ago
      Interesting. The stuff my liberal friends say is crazy as hell sometimes. Sometimes, they say it, I laugh, then they laugh too. These are the ones I can hang with. They literally have different brains. They can believe something whole-heartedly, but a little part of their brain knows it's BS.
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      • Posted by VetteGuy 2 months, 3 weeks ago
        Your comment about 'different brains' strikes a chord with me. My wife and I make similar comments to each other frequently. I 'think like an engineer' which is fortunate, since I was one for over 30 years. My wife does not [college educated stay-at-home mom].

        We have two daughters. One thinks like me, and is an aerospace engineer. The other thinks like her, and teaches special ed. Both did well in school, and I would not say one is 'smarter' than the other, but they definitely don't think alike.
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