The Biden-Harris’ economic time bomb: A warning to Trump and Musk.

Posted by freedomforall 4 months, 1 week ago to Politics
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"The Harris-Biden administration arrived in January 2021, when the economy was bouncing back strongly. Instead of allowing the private sector to thrive, it embarked on a strategy of out-of-control spending and tax increases with two objectives: increase the size of government in the economy so much that the next administration would be unable to reduce it enough in four years. The second objective was to bloat growth and job figures so aggressively that the next administration will see a recession if it reduces public sector growth. You may ask yourself why they would do it if Harris intended to win the elections. If Kamala Harris wins, she will continue to expand the size of government, inflate prices through spending and printing, and blame companies and stores for these actions.

The Biden-Harris administration has left a massive time bomb for Trump and Elon Musk’s government efficiency office if they win. It will be almost impossible to avoid a recession if they cut discretionary spending and eliminate duplicate jobs. It is the same strategy that the socialists followed in Greece, Spain, and France, by the way."
D.C. Just NIFO.

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  • Posted by $ rainman0720 4 months, 1 week ago
    I truly think the time has come to burn it ALL down to the ground and start over. Story after story reports that scaredy-cat dems are whining and bitching that if he's elected, Trump will do the exact same thing to them that they've been doing to him for eight years.

    I don't think there's any saving this Republic, even if Trump wins (which he won't be allowed to do) and R's take the Senate and hold the House. I think we're long past the point of no return.

    Tonight's result will just exacerbate the fall of the once great country that was the United States.
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