The Green Subsidy Scam - Enacting subsidies required to offset the distortions caused by other subsidies is surely economic insanity.

Posted by freedomforall 6 months, 1 week ago to Politics
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"As for spurring new industries and economic growth, today, the U.S. solar manufacturing industry is moribund, with almost 90% of the solar panels installed in this country now produced in China. All but one of the offshore wind projects under construction or slated to be built are owned by European companies that their respective governments control.

The economic costs of these subsidies are borne by taxpayers, who must finance the additional deficit spending; electric ratepayers who, despite claims that renewable energy resources are less costly than traditional generating resources, have seen their electric rates soar; and drivers, who pay more for gasoline and diesel fuel as refineries have closed or been modified to produce subsidized biofuels.

Those higher costs for electricity and transportation fuels raise the costs of producing and distributing almost everything else, which ripples through the entire economy, reducing economic growth and destroying jobs.

As for green energy subsidies spurring the development of new, lower-cost clean technologies, there is nothing new about wind and solar generation that receives the lion’s share of subsidies. After almost half a century, neither are cost-competitive, especially when the additional costs of addressing their inherent intermittency are included—costs that others must pay. And new technologies, such as direct air capture of carbon, will only be commercially viable if the U.S. imposes carbon taxes of several hundred dollars per ton, which few politicians will be willing to do.

The overwhelming majority of green energy subsidies reward politically powerful constituencies and businesses whose primary purpose is not to build better energy mousetraps but to build only ones that qualify for the largest subsidies."
SOURCE URL: https://realclearwire.com/articles/2024/09/03/do_green_energy_subsidies_work_1055865.html

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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 6 months ago
    Understand, it was never about the environment.
    It's about bringing America to heel by the Globalists.
    I'm old enough to remember:
    "Global Cooling"™
    "Acid Rain"™
    "The Ozone Hole"™
    "Global Warming"™
    And now the catch-all, totally nebulous, means anything I want it to mean, so shut the F@^#$% Up, "Climate Change"™
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 6 months ago
    Yes. The only thing good to come from green focus is the 20 year late move to nuclear as a solution to reducing CO2. The "scientists" have finally figured out solar and wind are not a solution.
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    • Posted by 6 months ago
      Not expecting the "scientists" to give up their bribes for lying about
      human created CO2 as the excuse for the 'global warming' fraud.
      They are too corrupt to be employable at any other task.
      We'll all be better off without chem-trails and wind farms,
      and a return to using low risk fission and clean coal for power
      until fusion is practical.
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  • Posted by Lucky 6 months, 1 week ago
    It is the old story- gov gives a subsidy due to pressure from an influential group, but then another group claims it has been disadvantaged by the subsidy so it in turn gets payments.

    I agree with the article, I may question the statement:
    The government could instead target subsidies ..
    arguing- No it should not.
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    • Posted by mhubb 6 months, 1 week ago
      do not forget the politicians that stacked the deck and invested the the companies getting the cash they voted to give
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      • Posted by Lucky 6 months, 1 week ago
        You are right. I argue against the power of the State even when what it is about to do is a good thing.
        Once, well as now, the State has power it works to promote the groups that it is composed of -ie DeepState, and/or those who fund the election costs. The next step is corruption as you described.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 6 months ago
        Hey, our oh so wise public servants who can so shrewdly score congressional seats deserve to wrangle ways to become multi-millionaires by tipping off spouses with hot Wall Street tips.
        Just ask Princess Pelosi.
        This may not what our Founding Fathers envisioned for dutiful patriots to do just for a term or two but what do they know? By now they just be bones in collapsed coffins altogether returning to dust.
        Also, you just gotta hand it to "Big Guy" Joe for having a crime family that could think outside the box.
        Me dino be mentioning Joe's whole sleazy family because I seriously do believe he could not think up his influence peddling racket all by his little self.
        After all, he serves an Obamanation for a staff of handlers as their Puppet--In-Chief.
        I'll never forget the costumed bunny who chased him away from reporters during a White House Easter egg hunt.
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  • Posted by Eyecu2 6 months ago
    Green Subsidies' are very successful. Not in their stated goal of course but in their REAL goal. Green subsidies true goal is wealth transfer from the middle class to the elites. The elites gain these subsidies via tax breaks and even down right payments. The middle class pay for this via higher taxes and higher prices. This is nothing more than a means of wealth transfer and power consolidation.
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