Hunger Games Is Fiction No More
Posted by freedomforall 5 months, 3 weeks ago to Politics
"In every revolutionary situation, those who are most motivated to achieve the aim are those who seek to hold power themselves. So long as the machinery of legal violence exists, there will be those who seek to control it—and, as Hayek said, it is usually the worst who make it to the top and spend their lives seeking to get there. Therefore, it is not just those who rule but also those who seek to rule who constitute a threat to liberty. This is how the existence of powerful nation-states ends up creating multiple layers of dangers.
This is the story of how Rousseau became Robespierre, how Russian liberalism became Bolshevism, and how so many meritorious movements against colonialism and corporatism have ended in dictatorship, tyranny, and famine.
Anyone who seeks to end oppression has to keep his or her eye out for those who would use the chaos and confusion of political upheavals to seize and exercise power in the future. This is what Katniss learns, as she gradually discovers that her one-time allies had become skilled in the conduct of war, appreciative of the status that comes with leadership, and lust for exercising state power themselves.
She comes to discover this dark truth about the rebel armies when the leader herself admits that she has every intention of retaining the Hunger Games as a mechanism of control following a successful coup.
Through this shocking revelation, Katniss learns that great lesson of history: It is not just despots who need to be kept at bay, but also those who most passionately seek to overthrow despots too. In order to realize liberty, you need more than just loathing of those in charge; you need the ascendance of the love of true liberty itself and a system in place that guards that liberty against every attempt to overthrow it."
"In every revolutionary situation, those who are most motivated to achieve the aim are those who seek to hold power themselves. So long as the machinery of legal violence exists, there will be those who seek to control it—and, as Hayek said, it is usually the worst who make it to the top and spend their lives seeking to get there. Therefore, it is not just those who rule but also those who seek to rule who constitute a threat to liberty. This is how the existence of powerful nation-states ends up creating multiple layers of dangers.
This is the story of how Rousseau became Robespierre, how Russian liberalism became Bolshevism, and how so many meritorious movements against colonialism and corporatism have ended in dictatorship, tyranny, and famine.
Anyone who seeks to end oppression has to keep his or her eye out for those who would use the chaos and confusion of political upheavals to seize and exercise power in the future. This is what Katniss learns, as she gradually discovers that her one-time allies had become skilled in the conduct of war, appreciative of the status that comes with leadership, and lust for exercising state power themselves.
She comes to discover this dark truth about the rebel armies when the leader herself admits that she has every intention of retaining the Hunger Games as a mechanism of control following a successful coup.
Through this shocking revelation, Katniss learns that great lesson of history: It is not just despots who need to be kept at bay, but also those who most passionately seek to overthrow despots too. In order to realize liberty, you need more than just loathing of those in charge; you need the ascendance of the love of true liberty itself and a system in place that guards that liberty against every attempt to overthrow it."
or, as Plato said: "Those who seek power are not worthy of that power".
There is another quote, I can't find at the moment, that the ideal leader would have to be forced into leadership, he would never volunteer.
Hard to build a government of humans that way, though!
term limits are really needed
along with all unused campaign funds going to pay down the debt they created (with voter help)
Quickly narrowed down to the two top contenders that left the Power of Government in the hands of WE, The People, 'democracy' was determined the EASIEST TO CORRUPT and turn against the People.
Leaving REPUBLIC as the best, and most difficult to corrupt against the People.
The democrats are squealing that the Republicans are a threat to democracy with good reason.
When asked what kind of government they had decided on, Benjamin Franklin responded with: "A Republic, Ma'am, IF YOU CAN KEEP IT."
Dear PRESIDENT TRUMP USE the words and Deeds of the Founding Fathers to get rid of this 'democracy' crap once and for all!