Is this America? Or is it Venezuela? Free or Tyranny?

Posted by freedomforall 6 months, 2 weeks ago to Politics
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"“I was in the middle of a stream when YouTube deleted our account,” Nico Moran told me in an interview about the recent deplatforming of his company, Simply Bitcoin, by YouTube. “I don’t get into the crazy stuff we see online; my content and my company focus on educating people about Bitcoin and why it’s important. I’m a first-generation American from a Venezuelan family, and I’m upset to see Maduro-like tactics being used by American corporations. Is this America or Venezuela?”
At the time of the deplatforming, Simply Bitcoin had not received any of the promised three strike warnings prior to deplatforming as outlined in the YouTube creator agreement. There was no warning, no heads-up, and certainly no strikes on the account when YouTube deleted the stream. Interestingly, all corporate sponsors have been entirely supportive of Simply Bitcoin, as Google and YouTube, the top two search engines in the world, are increasingly seen as non-credible platforms, leading users to seek alternatives. No one agrees with the fallacious smear to Simply Bitcoin that their content is “Harmful and Dangerous.”
More alarmingly, we’re seeing this heavy-handed enforcement happening globally, as nation-states increasingly feel entitled to impose speech restrictions on corporations and individuals. "
SOURCE URL: https://thenationaltelegraph.com/news/america-or-venezuela/

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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 6 months, 2 weeks ago
    Can you still tell the difference between Venezuela and America? Yes, it's about 30 years.

    Oh, and by the way, the father of one of my Venezuelan students whose family had fled to Panama went to see his ailing mother back in Venezuela so ... Maduro's thugs arrested him.
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  • Posted by mhubb 6 months, 2 weeks ago
    not a fan of bitcoin

    that being said, they have a RIGHT to their Free Speech
    and if not harming anyone, people are free to watch, with all the other crap and lies on youtube, they have zero right to remove them
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    • Posted by 6 months, 2 weeks ago
      Lots less damaging to honest people than Wall St investment "advisors."
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      • Posted by mhubb 6 months, 2 weeks ago
        i am all for personal choice in this

        i would disagree in that you can bet there are those that will exploit bitcoin just like the bankers

        i still believe that scandal a few months back with Sam Bankman-Fried was a setup (bankers, governments, ect) to take bitcoin and the like down

        i simply do not want to have to depend upon computers to use my money. no computers and bitcoin has no value
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        • Posted by 6 months, 2 weeks ago
          I'm not a booster for bitcoin, but it is harder for the Deep State to seize,control, and manipulate than fiat 'money'. It still has to prove itself.
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          • Posted by mhubb 6 months, 2 weeks ago
            no it is not harder
            Sam Bankman-Fried is the example of how (to crash it)

            and it is possible to VIRUS it into trouble
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            • Posted by 6 months, 2 weeks ago
              Anyone who buys (or creates) cryptocurrency and keeps it in his own crypto wallet has zero
              risk from people like Sam B-F. Yes, there is a danger that the local internet could be closed
              down by government, but such a government is the real danger, not crypto, and the solution
              is getting away from that location. Once away the cryptocurrency is once again available,
              and there is no danger of it being stolen while the owner travels, unlike precious metals
              which can be seized en route. The state can't seize, or control, or manipulate the cryptocurrency,
              but it can cause a temporary disconnection for the owner. That is much better than money in
              a bank or metals stored in a residence or safe deposit where the state can confiscate it. As
              for a virus, as I understand it, it would have to infect all the nodes in the crypto network
              everywhere in the entire world (because the crypto system is so widely distributed.)
              That is very unlikely to happen.
              Yes, it could be threatened if there are nuclear bursts that destroy all electronic devices in
              an area. If that was to happen and civilization was wrecked, gold coins will also be of little value.
              It should be obvious that putting all of one's assets in one form of storage is unwise whether
              that is crypto or precious metals or food/water or drugs or firearms.

              I'm not an expert on crypto and if someone else who is an expert wants to correct anything
              I posted here, please do so and provide links so we can be better informed.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 6 months, 2 weeks ago
    Hickock45 is on Rumble.

    Worse than Venezuela. These people are more capable, and do not have the excuse of being ignorant third world rats.
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  • Posted by Russpilot 6 months, 2 weeks ago
    I am friends with a few content creators. Most of them that I know have moved to the Rumble platform. The creator money split is better and they are a free speech platform. You don't have to edit yourself to get your message out.
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