William Barr, Director of Cover-ups and Federal Pedophile Fixer?
Posted by freedomforall 7 months, 2 weeks ago to Politics
"Throughout the 1980s, Barr bounced between government service and a prestigious Washington law firm. In the wake of the 1988 election, Bush the Elder installed Barr as first assistant attorney general. In 1990, Barr became the deputy attorney general, which is the second most powerful position in the Justice Department.
Barr’s boss at the Justice Department was Attorney General Richard Thornburgh, and the Department of Justice under Thorburgh played an integral role in covering up the interstate pedophile network run by Lawrence King of Omaha and Craig Spence of Washington, DC, which is discussed in The Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse, and Betrayal. Thornburgh was also a close friend of pedophilic pimp Craig Spence.
The “Franklin” child trafficking network was massive, and it required three hijacked grand juries to cover-up: a state grand jury in Nebraska, a federal grand jury in Nebraska, and a federal grand jury in Washington, DC. Thornburgh and Barr were at the helm of the Justice Department when their minions in Nebraska and Washington, DC perpetrated the egregious cover-ups. Thornburgh relinquished his position as attorney general in 1991 to run for the US Senate, and Barr became the attorney general. Barr then put the finishing touches on covering up the Franklin child trafficking network."
D.C. is utterly corrupt. NIFO
"Throughout the 1980s, Barr bounced between government service and a prestigious Washington law firm. In the wake of the 1988 election, Bush the Elder installed Barr as first assistant attorney general. In 1990, Barr became the deputy attorney general, which is the second most powerful position in the Justice Department.
Barr’s boss at the Justice Department was Attorney General Richard Thornburgh, and the Department of Justice under Thorburgh played an integral role in covering up the interstate pedophile network run by Lawrence King of Omaha and Craig Spence of Washington, DC, which is discussed in The Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse, and Betrayal. Thornburgh was also a close friend of pedophilic pimp Craig Spence.
The “Franklin” child trafficking network was massive, and it required three hijacked grand juries to cover-up: a state grand jury in Nebraska, a federal grand jury in Nebraska, and a federal grand jury in Washington, DC. Thornburgh and Barr were at the helm of the Justice Department when their minions in Nebraska and Washington, DC perpetrated the egregious cover-ups. Thornburgh relinquished his position as attorney general in 1991 to run for the US Senate, and Barr became the attorney general. Barr then put the finishing touches on covering up the Franklin child trafficking network."
D.C. is utterly corrupt. NIFO
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- 1Posted by mhubb 7 months, 2 weeks agothere is a special place in Hell for those that harm childrenMark as read | Best of... | Permalink|