The Hidden History Of Robert Mueller's Right-Wing Terror Factory (Practice For FBI's January 6 2021 False Flag Op) This Is What Democrats Call Democracy.

Posted by freedomforall 3 months, 2 weeks ago to Government
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"Thanks to a trove of previously unpublicized law enforcement records and interviews with several players involved, Headline USA can reveal that the Orlando neo-Nazi rally was indeed organized by the FBI. The Orlando event also seems to have been part of a larger program to hold Nazi rallies across the country. And according to FBI records, the bureau sponsored those events despite knowing they led to an increase in the number of card-carrying Nazis in America.

Moreover, the FBI’s Nazi rallies led to a much larger operation to target right-wing groups. Dubbed “Primitive Affliction,” the operation featured a motorcycle front group, rogue undercover agents, Outlaw bikers, Satanists, bomb-makers and a fugitive on the lam in Mexico.

To top it off, the FBI’s Nazi operation was briefed to the highest levels of the bureau, including to then-Director Robert Mueller, according to at least one record unearthed by this publication."

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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 months, 2 weeks ago
    I can't get my mind around to forgive the powers that be throwing innocent people into prison without a trial. This is disgusting. This is unAmerican. God might forgive them but I won't. n
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