The Vaccine Controversy Won't Go Away (Trump)

Posted by $ Abaco 7 months, 1 week ago to Politics
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The MSM is relentless on this. They are completely full of scroad, of course. They're flat-out wrong. And, they can try to rope Trump into this too, since they hate him.

Almost 20 years ago I stood in front of a panel assembled by the NIH in a public forum put together to "help us prioritize autism research". I held in my hand the list of neurotoxins found in the hair and blood of a kid that had just become autistic. They didn't want it. "What do what us to do about that?". Well....a couple decades have passed and see how much progress they have made finding the cause of autism? Zero. No progress. Zilch. Soon, I will re-offer my data to them with a " about now?"

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