MEME WHILE: HAARP Weather War and Spraying the Sky

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 5 months, 2 weeks ago to Science
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Debunked . . . they wanted you to believe.
SBX-1 and or EISCAT are a different consideration altogether.
Need more information on them.


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  • Posted by freedomforall 5 months, 2 weeks ago
    Unfortunately he mostly muddies the waters and doesn't provide any solid evidence to drill through the propaganda and get to the truth.
    Patents are abandoned most often because they aren't profitable (other alternatives, often worse, with big marketing budgets), not because they "don't work."
    Always be rational. Use evidence that is scientifically supported. Seek second (3rd/4th/etc) opinions.
    Don't trust mainstream media because they have been proven to promote anti-truth propaganda.
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    • Posted by $ 5 months, 2 weeks ago
      That was a brief message, he's done longer explanations and proofs.
      Also, we must all understand that everything is changing at an extreme level and it's not governments doing. Our shield are 25/30% down, our ionosphere is damaged and our Ozone depleting rapidly as a result.

      Problem is that we would NOT doubt that the kakistocracy would use these sites for nefarious purposes to harm others but according to Ben's understanding of the Science, it's just doesn't work in the manner intended.

      This discussion was a long time ago, when I get the chance, I will look for that discussion on his page on youtube. or on the site.

      I will say that Ben in not vested one way or the other on the issue aside for the moral aspect.

      Ben is no dummy and writes science text books on the Sun and other subjects, vetted, learned, discussed with other scientists (nasa, goddard and soho also) about the Micro Nova, mag reversal and earth tilt that even Einstein knew about and studied.

      However, we do know that it is the sun that strengthens these weather systems and in fact we suffered a few days prior with a KP7 disruption due to a glancing blow (thank goodness) of an X7 and X9 eruption
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