A Man's Right to Choose!
Posted by CaptainKirk 7 months, 1 week ago to Politics
Hear me out. This is based on an old teacher explaining that forcing someone to accept their position is a great trap.
Given that the Left believe that a fetus is a clump of cells. That the mother of that clump of cells can choose to call ABORTING/KILLING that clump of cells "healthcare". And denying that the clump of cells has any rights or say in this. It is "Their body, their choice!".
I offer the argument "My Sperm, My Choice!". Any male that impregnates a female has the right to demand that female to remove the clump of cells. Specifically if he pays for the procedure (and only the procedure). This covers artificial insemination, etc. In fact, if a woman has a child without getting the all clear from the impregnating male. She is deemed 100% responsible, and can NEVER request/ask/or be given child support for that child. (By not giving the man the right to deal with this, when it was a clump of cells, she foregoes being able to put any requirements on him).
We expect no arguments from the Left. Those on the right are asked to ignore the ruling, and 100% step up when you impregnate someone. That's your choice. It's not for everyone. And denying the gentlemen who find themself potentially facing near life long support of a clump of cells, the right to fix this problem when it is just a clump of cells. Is 100% wrong.
Any woman having a child, without the express consent of the impregnating male is agreeing to be 100% responsible for that child with no future option of ever changing her mind. This is to avoid the pain and suffering that this can and does cause COUNTLESS men. Their mental health matters. Denying them the RIGHT to choose to NOT be a father, is WRONG. Forcing someone into fatherhood is akin to forcing a woman into motherhood, when she does not want it, and medical services exist to fix this.
Please, argue against this from a Pro Choice Females perspective. AND when you are done, if you cannot produce SPERM... YOU DO NOT get an opinion anyways!
Check & Mate!
Given that the Left believe that a fetus is a clump of cells. That the mother of that clump of cells can choose to call ABORTING/KILLING that clump of cells "healthcare". And denying that the clump of cells has any rights or say in this. It is "Their body, their choice!".
I offer the argument "My Sperm, My Choice!". Any male that impregnates a female has the right to demand that female to remove the clump of cells. Specifically if he pays for the procedure (and only the procedure). This covers artificial insemination, etc. In fact, if a woman has a child without getting the all clear from the impregnating male. She is deemed 100% responsible, and can NEVER request/ask/or be given child support for that child. (By not giving the man the right to deal with this, when it was a clump of cells, she foregoes being able to put any requirements on him).
We expect no arguments from the Left. Those on the right are asked to ignore the ruling, and 100% step up when you impregnate someone. That's your choice. It's not for everyone. And denying the gentlemen who find themself potentially facing near life long support of a clump of cells, the right to fix this problem when it is just a clump of cells. Is 100% wrong.
Any woman having a child, without the express consent of the impregnating male is agreeing to be 100% responsible for that child with no future option of ever changing her mind. This is to avoid the pain and suffering that this can and does cause COUNTLESS men. Their mental health matters. Denying them the RIGHT to choose to NOT be a father, is WRONG. Forcing someone into fatherhood is akin to forcing a woman into motherhood, when she does not want it, and medical services exist to fix this.
Please, argue against this from a Pro Choice Females perspective. AND when you are done, if you cannot produce SPERM... YOU DO NOT get an opinion anyways!
Check & Mate!
I wonder why people who would never drive while intoxicated would vote several times for a senator who was so drunk that he drove into the Chappaquiddick River, resulting in the death of a woman who was not his wife, then didn't call the authorities until the next morning (after he called his lawyer first). Or why people would vote for a secretary of state whose staff destroyed potential evidence on cell phones and laptops. Yes, some of that information ended up on Weiner's laptop, but apparently that's no big deal. Why would someone who insists "my body, my choice" vote for someone who lied and said everyone could keep their insurance if they were happy with it, then took it away. Or a president who required military personnel to take a vaccine that had no safety record. So, not my body, my choice; Got it. Or why someone who has been faithful to their spouse for years would vote for a woman who openly carried on a years-long affair with a married man. People who live in glass houses...
What if I want my/our child and the woman wants to kill my/our child?
Do I have any rights in this matter?
Asking for a friend.
Anecdotally: in our ancient past, a pregnancy could be terminated by herbal/apothecary methods, but only in that time frame before "The Quickening".
The Quickening: The moment of the baby's first movement; then acknowledged as a fully formed and functioning human being.
Termination after that moment would then constitute murder and could be prosecuted as such.
(in our dark past, surgery of any kind presented an unacceptably high risk of infection)
You could offer enticements. But my recommendation is that "Sperm is Cheap... Try again... Find a better host!" LOL.
The real problem is that you get NO SAY IN BOTH directions today. That must end. 1/2 that DNA is MINE. I can prove it.
problem, i would never talk to a pro-murder person
would stop if one i was talking to was discovered to be one
Honestly, "Gender Affirming Care" = "Chopping off body parts" and Chemical Castration Drugs.
Just don't call them "Crazy" or claim it's a "mental disorder". Because that's causes "like permanent damage" LMAO.
Their position needs to be made to be ridiculous.
And my answer to "even 15 minutes after delivery"... Is to extend the time for an Abortion until the Fetuses ~ 125th Year. That would bring a new response to "I never asked to be born!"
you simply cannot talk to a liberal
they are mentally ill
If you use DNA being unique, it's conception.
If you use brainwaves (I believe there is precedence) It's further along.
And I will add to your argument. UNTIL we charge women for crimes when they have a miscarriage (either manslaughter or murder), then we understand not all fetuses are destined to make it out of the womb.
But this is as far as I am willing to give. The brainwave arguments are that we can unplug people on life support who have no brainwaves, or patterns of inactivity (braindead). This distinction is important, IMO, because it makes the case that even after an Individual is part of society... They can STOP being an individual.
Now this is why my post was created. Because if the woman has a right to DESTROY this clump of cells. But 1/2 of that DNA belongs to someone else. WHERE does that other person go to get their rights? Furthermore, at which point SHOULD the man be Financially responsible for something that was ONLY HER decision?
I do not believe you can square that circle. EITHER the man has responsibility AND RIGHTS, or he should be allowed to have NO RESPONSIBILITY. His choice matters, as well.
Since it is NOT a person, in your vernacular, would you be okay with the man forcing her to have an abortion? (I am sure not, it seems wrong to me). So, should he get the ability to "Walk Away Financially?" (His Wallet, His Choice)?
an unborn child has its own DNA, Heart Beat, Nervous System.
it feels pain, it moves
the US Constitution does not say "person-hood" that i am aware of