Saying the obvious to a democrat or watching idiots deny the apparent.

Posted by jack1776 8 months, 2 weeks ago to Politics
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The failed assassination attempt on President Trump wasn’t a lone wolf attack, it was coordinated through our government to take out a political opponent. It’s obvious and needs to be investigated.

-- Why wasn’t the perfect sniper location not covered?
-- Why wasn’t Trump removed as soon as an officer climbed up on the roof and saw the gun man with a rifle
and he called it in to an open channel with Secret Services.
-- Why did the Secret Services sniper wait to shoot until after the assassination attempt?
-- Why were the people screaming shooter, shooter on the roof ignored by the Secret Service?

If the Trump assassination was successful, I bet this would have triggered World War III. We know the current administration wants a war to stop the collapse of the US dollar, our opponents know this as well. We are already blaming Iran for the failed assassination, subversion.
SOURCE URL: https://rumble.com/v577p3g-rep.-cory-mills-calls-for-a-j13-investigation-into-the-attempted-assassinat.html

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  • 14
    Posted by freedomforall 8 months, 2 weeks ago
    It should be investigated by an unbiased, independent, non-government, competent, experienced team of PI's.
    Nothing should be hidden from them.
    They should have the highest secret clearance possible for this job.
    Results should be reported widely in X, Truth Social, Epoch Times, Wikileaks, et al.
    Hillsdale College, Matt Taibi, and Tucker Carlson should be in the loop to offer criticism of the investigation.
    No one in government can be trusted to investigate.
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    • Posted by $ rainman0720 8 months, 2 weeks ago
      If you give me two sentences:

      No one in government can be trusted to investigate
      The sun rises in the east

      and asked me which one was more likely to be true, I would have to go with the former.
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    • Posted by bfreeman 8 months, 2 weeks ago
      On the one hand, I absolutely agree with you.

      Unfortunately and respectfully, good luck with that.

      By the way, if the bullet had come from ~120 yards out, the bullet should not have shown up in a video frame. This is more like a 300-400 yard shot from a sniper rifle.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 8 months, 2 weeks ago
        I haven't seen any data on the caliber and specific ammo, have you? (AR style rifle is all I've seen.)
        That could make a distinct difference, in velocity at 150 yards.
        We also don't know the camera details, but I get your point.
        We don't know if the frame is natural or altered, or if the facts
        on shooter(s) are being altered from the truth as in the JFK shooting.
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        • Posted by bfreeman 8 months, 2 weeks ago
          FFA, we have not been told the caliber, as you correctly point out. From after event pictures (and at a distance), I would guess this was a 223 carbine (16" barrel).

          This is so close to the JFK assignation that it is scary. The shooter is shot dead even though he put the gun to one side and was backing down the roof. (By the way, there is one account that the shooter was shot in the back of the head.) Oswald was not around to answer questions either, then Ruby was killed effectively silencing the whole affair. In this case, the shooter was killed immediately, so a secondary silencing is not needed.
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          • Posted by freedomforall 8 months, 2 weeks ago
            I recall the details of the JFK assassination and I do understand what you are saying.
            Very little that the Deep State does surprises me now.
            They are very good at manipulation of the narrative.
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        • Posted by 8 months, 2 weeks ago
          I heard about witnesses to the fact that they heard a second shooter from the water tower. Don’t know how grounded these reports are? Makes since to backup a kid with his dad’s rifle but in true government fashion, it fails measurable; thankfully.
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  • 10
    Posted by $ Abaco 8 months, 2 weeks ago
    It's come to a head. I absolutely knew after Biden's horrendous debate performance something extreme was about to be carried out.

    After the attempt on Trump's life I asked my buddy who's retired secret service about it. All he said is that he can't imagine any normal way that sniper got up on that roof in that way, for so long. That roof should have been off limits for everybody except the security staff...
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  • Posted by $ gharkness 8 months, 2 weeks ago
    Additional question: did they think there'd be no questions about it? I suppose if it had been successful, everything would be in so much turmoil no one would have time to ask or answer questions.
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    • Posted by $ rainman0720 8 months, 2 weeks ago
      My guess is that turmoil is EXACTLY what they want. Someone here mentioned a few days ago that a successful assassination would probably have triggered a civil war; and that would have given the DS a perfect opportunity to declare martial law...and suspend the election until "after the crisis is over"...whenever that may be.
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  • Posted by $ rainman0720 8 months, 2 weeks ago
    Cheatle is either totally incompetent or complicit. One means she should be fired, the other means she should be tried and shot as a traitor. Either way, there is NO way she should still be sitting where she is.
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    • Posted by $ Snezzy 8 months, 2 weeks ago
      Most of the female Secret Service agents should not be assigned to protective duty. If a cop is protecting me (speaking from experience here) I prefer he be a tall, solid, superbly trained man.

      At least one of those agents at the rally was badly trained, unable to re-holster her handgun. She was in the way of effective operations. Was that perhaps her purpose? My wife says, "She failed her training and should not have been there at all." DEI--Didn't Earn It.
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  • Posted by term2 8 months, 2 weeks ago
    The whole thing smelled funny to me. Here is a random 20 yr old with no crazy beliefs or past or social media posts, or cell phone suspicious activity. There is simultaneous very lazy or incompetent activity on the part of the secret service that allowed a person identified as carrying a rifle on a rooftop to fire shots before the secret service snipers killed him. The parents being "cooperative" but not emotionally distraught that their son was dead and he tried to kill a former president. The whole think stinks and makes me think this isn't some spur of the moment lone wolf.

    Not too mention that biden himself was implying with the bulls eye comment that trump should be just shot.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 8 months, 2 weeks ago
    Actually, Chris Martenson on the Inside of Peak Prosperity covered the buildings. Turns out the kid was in the PERFECT Location. He was BEHIND the tree (relative to the 2 sniper groups). They could not see on the roof where he climbed up.

    The questions are WHY the Cops had NOBODY ON the roof. Or why BOTH SNiper teams were on top of each other.

    Finally... Lone Gunman... Never mind the massive short position just before...
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  • Posted by katrinam41 8 months, 2 weeks ago
    I have a screenshot , supposedly real, that shows the dead shooter and three agents/cops standing on the roof next to him. There is blood on rhe shooter's head. How do I download it to the group for examination?
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    • Posted by term2 8 months, 2 weeks ago
      as soon as the secret service hears shots fired, they automatically single out this particular 20 yr old person as the shooter and make sure they kill him? Sounds pre planned to me.
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