Parkinson's Disease Doctor Visited The White House 8 Times in 8 Months

Posted by $ allosaur 7 months, 2 weeks ago to News
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We The Little People have been told by the Mopsy-Topsy White House spokeslady not to believe our eyes when we see our banana republic's el president walking weirdly around like a certain reanimated creature from a RKO horror flick of the 1930s.
This just in! Just so y'all all can know, a New York Times article has revealed that an expert on Parkinson's Disease from the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center has visited the White House 8 times in 8 months from last summer through this spring.
That expert is one Dr. Kevin Cannard, who is a neurologist specializing in movement disorders.
Me dino kinda surprised that The New York Times is returning to their old motto of "News fit to print" after having devolved into printing "News fit to spin" in an effort to cover for shows of Democrat hindquarters.
Don't worry, Fake News. Today I saw a a Biden/Harris sign on someone's front lawn way down here in Alabama. Proves there are still people who fall off turnip trucks when they land on this planet.

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  • Posted by mhubb 7 months, 2 weeks ago
    you have to be a special kind of stupid to vote biden

    at some point, due to democrat and RINO collusion and treason, the wheel are going to fall off the United States, sooner if they have their way

    so you government and welfare parasites better get a damn clue fast
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