Storm categories revised to show purported influence of global warming
My college housemate who lives in a retirement community in Florida occasionally reports on the speakers that appear at events. Here's the most recent one:
"False Climate Data: Our resident award winning weather expert presented how data on severity of storms has been manipulated in this century. At one point the weather bureau changed the definitions of the severity of storm ratings for tornadoes and hurricanes, lowering the wind speed for each category 1-5, so that more storms qualified as severe -- while failing to adjust the historical data to match, so that a rising trend could be shown for global warming, contrary to fact of decline in frequency of severe weather."
"False Climate Data: Our resident award winning weather expert presented how data on severity of storms has been manipulated in this century. At one point the weather bureau changed the definitions of the severity of storm ratings for tornadoes and hurricanes, lowering the wind speed for each category 1-5, so that more storms qualified as severe -- while failing to adjust the historical data to match, so that a rising trend could be shown for global warming, contrary to fact of decline in frequency of severe weather."
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- 2Posted by $ sekeres 8 months, 1 week agoSounds interesting. Any links to before & after data/dates/names?Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|