Did the US (Deep State D.C. fools) commit acts of war on Russia?
Posted by freedomforall 8 months, 3 weeks ago to Politics
"The news says that America just cluster-bombed Russian beachgoers in Crimea. Well, it didn’t say exactly that. But – nonetheless – that is exactly what just happened.
The Keeeeeeeeeeeeevians may have pushed the proverbial button that sent the missiles on their way but it was America – more finely, the regime that rules Americans – that provided the missiles and (apparently) the support needed to guide them to their target.
Bluntly – in honest language – America just attacked Russia.
It is nothing less than astounding that Russia has not attacked back. Yet. But – of a certainty – it’s coming. Because that is what happens when a country is attacked. It hits back – in self-defense – at the country that attacked it."
D.C. is run by TRAITORS who want total control over everyone including all Americans and are intent on starting a nuclear war to maintain power. D.C. NIFO
"The news says that America just cluster-bombed Russian beachgoers in Crimea. Well, it didn’t say exactly that. But – nonetheless – that is exactly what just happened.
The Keeeeeeeeeeeeevians may have pushed the proverbial button that sent the missiles on their way but it was America – more finely, the regime that rules Americans – that provided the missiles and (apparently) the support needed to guide them to their target.
Bluntly – in honest language – America just attacked Russia.
It is nothing less than astounding that Russia has not attacked back. Yet. But – of a certainty – it’s coming. Because that is what happens when a country is attacked. It hits back – in self-defense – at the country that attacked it."
D.C. is run by TRAITORS who want total control over everyone including all Americans and are intent on starting a nuclear war to maintain power. D.C. NIFO
for such stupidity
whatever the reason/cause, Russia invaded Ukraine
they should expect blow-back
but pushing the world to WW3 is simply not a sane act b our so-called government
Russia is not willing to just roll over, but it doesn't really want a war with the USA, since that means NUCLEAR destruction of both countries. So we have a stalemate with the eventual result being a non existent Ukrania, with half of it belonging to Russia and the other half being really worthless. The war then ends.
Does anyone else think that CNN has given most of the questions they will ask Trump to the "group" of 16 "advisors" that is "tutoring" sloppy Joe before the "debate"???? This is the ONLY way I cam imagine that joe will kinda at least appear to know what is going on.
Also, I think Trump should provide results of HIS drug test directly to the two commies runnin the show.
It's CNN and Ted sold it long ago. Damn Jane to hell.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson
Paraphrasing the movie Aliens
The old English saying "in for a penny, in for a pound" applies here. Once NATO decided to support Ukraine, any weapons they provide should be used as effectively as possible, and ATACMS is a very effective weapon, which Ukraine has been using to destroy Russian air defense systems in Crimea and elsewhere. That strategy is aimed at making temporary air superiority possible for use of the coming F-16 and Mirage fighters.
Russia has been careless in where its air defense missiles land, so the claim that an ATACMS hit Crimean beachgoers is more likely a case of a failed S-300/400 missile landing after missing its target.
Complete foolishness, which is what I expect from Buydem and his puppeteers (given that I completely disagree with their goals to enslave me.)
But I disagree that Russia is completely at fault for the invasion. NATO (US Deep State) played a large part in their actions against Russia since the USSR collapsed.
Russia could have been treated as an ally starting 30 years ago and none of this would have happened, but the power mad sociopaths in the west must spread fear
and Russia is a great target to use to compel Americans and Europeans to allow more concentration of power as a reaction to fear propaganda. Damn neocon scum.
In a business environment where management was based on your party connections instead of your competence, we were dealing with an incredible degree of unfamiliarity with capitalist dealings. Their diplomats, who had spent most of their lives in opposition to the west, were not prepared for the new environment.
Used to five year plans, with budgets based on a time schedule instead of actual measured progress, or in the case of commercial goods, income based on sales revenue, the Russians were bewildered with the plans laid out for them by American and European businessmen. When they were told they had to present a credible plan aimed at profit in order to get the investment needed, they were unprepared for that change. The result was a Russian perspective that western businessmen were just there to rip them off. No transition plan had been developed to educate the Russians in how to become successful in the new international environment.
On the diplomatic front, the west did no better. Instead of trying to be a calming element and help Russia maintain positive connections to the former Warsaw Pact nations, we spent an excessive time celebrating and congratulating the newly free countries, who blamed every negative thing in their past on Russian tyranny, justified or not.
After some early years floundering in a world uncomfortable to them, Putin, a seasoned KGB veteran schooled by Yuri Andropov, shows up and declares the Russian people should embrace Soviet achievements and be proud of their past rather than apologize for it. That struck a chord that made him a popular figure, and now we have to live with what essentially is a reborn Soviet state.
What was needed, had anyone realized how big an event the collapse of the USSR was, was a new Marshall Plan, with serious investment of time and money. To make an analogy, Russia was drowning, but instead of diving in, or even throwing them a life preserver, we just shouted swimming lessons from the shore.
Putin's statement that the collapse of the Soviet Union was a geopolitical disaster was a recognition of reality, but ridiculed by arrogant western nations. At the point he came into power, Putin had to take one of two forks in the road: go hat in hand to the western nations and undergo perhaps a decade of reeducation and humiliation, as post war Germany suffered; or find a way to recover classic Russian style, with pride and gritiness, even if it meant falling back on the autocratic methods of the tsars. He felt the Russian people would not accept the first option, as his predecessors after the collapse failed to realize, and his subsequent popularity indicated he was right.
The trap Putin is now in is partly self inflicted, so the ignorance of the west is only partly to blame. The dilemma is how to provide a path out of the mess Russia finds itself in without bringing on a new collapse. Can a reelected President Trump find a solution that allows Russia to back out of a path of attempted conquest that appears to be self destructive, or have things gone too far for even his best efforts?
now i know you are not a serous person
the USSR was sane and had provisions to leadership change
Russia has no real provisions for a change of leadership, leading to major questions of what happens after Putin (with the nukes)
the corruption of the Ukraine is clear, one need only look at the biden crime family
and it is the innocent people on both sides that suffer in this.
what to do?
i know what is going on now is not sustainable
and dangerous to the entire world
and we are ignoring a much longer term threat, islam
and the lesson learned from Ukraine is -- do NOT give up nukes for a piece of paper, a bad lesson for the world
you mean like the biden admin's corruption?
like 0bama's over-throw of the government of Ukraine??
like all the money and equipment sent to Ukraine and never account for
those actions????
i no not blame Ukraine for not wanting to be part of Russia, based on the last 100 years
history:: the US fought a Civil War over this issue, The South had every right to leave the Union, for the wrong reasons
thousands died in that stupid war and the result was the South was stuck
so, do we stat WW3 to show that a country next to Russia is screwed??
Biden isn't the only corrupt head of state we've had. The republic has been in danger of becoming a totalitarian state since President John Adams attempted sweeping punishments for anyone daring to criticize his government (the Sedition Act).
I was uncertain about where we should be going until Sweden and Finland very quickly dropped neutrality. Those countries have better insight into the Russian Federation and Putin's aims than anyone else.
what weapons reported used?
Ukraine has 3 Patriot batteries
What he said was that the US helped Ukraine to target with satellite data used the wrong missile to bring down a Russian drone. I think he said ATACMS. If I find it again, I’ll post the link. My point is we are being drawn into this conflict.
long range (well, longer that MRLS)
The MGM-140 Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS; pronounced /əˈtækəmz/) is a tactical ballistic missile designed and manufactured by the US defense company Ling-Temco-Vought (LTV), and later Lockheed Martin through acquisitions. It uses solid propellant and is 13 feet (4.0 m) long and 24 inches (610 mm) in diameter, and the longest-range variants can fly up to 190 miles (300 km).[9] The missiles can be fired from the tracked M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) and the wheeled M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS).
escalation is an major concern
but Russia/Soviet Union has a lot of American blood on its weapon systems' hands
they invaded Ukraine and should expect "issues"
me, personally, i still believe the US and Russia need to be allies against islam
The way the government is spending money, we are trying to crush the dollar, this war isn’t to save the dollar (I know I said in previous conversations that war is needed to save the dollar, but I recant that now). I still think all of this is being driven by the UN global governance agenda 2030. The US and Russia stand in its way, I think China is complicit with us fighting.
"allies against islam", yes in a perfect world but in a perfect world, we wouldn't have empowered the middle east by buying their oil instead of our own oil. - we gave them money and weapons and they hate us. Stupid is as stupid does. We could decimate the middle east by simply removing the money from the oil.
Doubt we won't have to worry about Taiwan either unless unless China makes a move the beat the attempted cheat.
Just sayin'.