More sKamala Plagiarism Uncovered As Scandal Widens
Posted by freedomforall 4 months, 3 weeks ago to Politics
Utterly unethical and corrupt.
Not worthy of collecting Americans' garbage.
Try this disgusting sewage for treason.
Not worthy of collecting Americans' garbage.
Try this disgusting sewage for treason.
There are not enough stupid people in their country (God help us if I'm wrong) to get Team Idiot over the finish line.
It does not matter how much negativity on old Camel Toe we find.
The MockingBird Media will not print it.
Even if it miraculously gets out to the public eye, they will dive on that grenade to cover for her.
This is not about which person is best suited to be leader of the free world. That person is known to any sane, rational adult.
This is about how much the American people will allow the blatant theft of our Rights, our Liberty, our Sovereignty, our Constitution to be ripped from our hands by the people who hate this country and want a world government.
Or we simply let the theft happen (again) by being too cowardly to speak up for our God-Given Rights?
I know what our Forefathers would say: "Give me Liberty, or give me death"
She has no merit whatsoever.
She reminds me of a certain Obamanation who for two terms of being fawned over got away spewing Schiff.