Statins Are Pharma Trash, Research Mounts. Wow, You Mean Big Pharma Lies To Enrich Themselves and Bribes Politicians To Protect The Con Game, Too?
Posted by freedomforall 6 months, 3 weeks ago to Politics
"Between 2015-2018, approximately 11.4% of U.S. adults had high total cholesterol. There was no significant difference in high total cholesterol prevalence between men (10.5%) and women (12.1%). The highest prevalence was among adults aged 40–59 (15.7%), compared to 7.5% among those aged 20–39 and 11.4% among those aged 60 and over. Adults aged 60 and over also had a higher prevalence of high total cholesterol than those aged 20–39. There were no significant differences in high total cholesterol prevalence among adults based on race or Hispanic origin.
The U.S. statin market size was valued at USD 4.53 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 5.10 billion by 2031, with a CAGR of 1.5% during the forecast period of 2024 to 2031.”
The flimsy, lazy cholesterol-causes-heart-disease lie is predicated on flawed and manipulated studies going back decades that purportedly demonstrate a correlation between high cholesterol and heart disease, which is simply taken as causation on faith, even though in other cases — conveniently, ones where the industry’s interests align with dismissing correlation as causation — they are adamant that the two are not one and the same.
Via Business Insider (emphasis added):
“Speaking to science journal Nature, vaccine expert Kathryn Edwards, professor of pediatrics in the division of infectious diseases at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville, Tennessee, said that health authorities must strike a "delicate balance" when information is disseminated about the side effects of COVID vaccines.
Edwards added that, at times, it might be hard to even prove if the adverse reactions were due to the vaccine, particularly if the reported symptoms strike the patient days after the jab was administered.
Nature also cited a study that detailed how challenging it was to link any adverse events through vaccines — as this has to be done through specific lab tests. This is because correlation is not causation — and work has to be done by scientists to determine what caused the reaction, before comparing it with the probability that this symptom occurred purely by chance.”
Does correlation equal causation according to The Science™? The answer depends on which side of the equation the biggest dollar sign sits."
"Between 2015-2018, approximately 11.4% of U.S. adults had high total cholesterol. There was no significant difference in high total cholesterol prevalence between men (10.5%) and women (12.1%). The highest prevalence was among adults aged 40–59 (15.7%), compared to 7.5% among those aged 20–39 and 11.4% among those aged 60 and over. Adults aged 60 and over also had a higher prevalence of high total cholesterol than those aged 20–39. There were no significant differences in high total cholesterol prevalence among adults based on race or Hispanic origin.
The U.S. statin market size was valued at USD 4.53 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 5.10 billion by 2031, with a CAGR of 1.5% during the forecast period of 2024 to 2031.”
The flimsy, lazy cholesterol-causes-heart-disease lie is predicated on flawed and manipulated studies going back decades that purportedly demonstrate a correlation between high cholesterol and heart disease, which is simply taken as causation on faith, even though in other cases — conveniently, ones where the industry’s interests align with dismissing correlation as causation — they are adamant that the two are not one and the same.
Via Business Insider (emphasis added):
“Speaking to science journal Nature, vaccine expert Kathryn Edwards, professor of pediatrics in the division of infectious diseases at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville, Tennessee, said that health authorities must strike a "delicate balance" when information is disseminated about the side effects of COVID vaccines.
Edwards added that, at times, it might be hard to even prove if the adverse reactions were due to the vaccine, particularly if the reported symptoms strike the patient days after the jab was administered.
Nature also cited a study that detailed how challenging it was to link any adverse events through vaccines — as this has to be done through specific lab tests. This is because correlation is not causation — and work has to be done by scientists to determine what caused the reaction, before comparing it with the probability that this symptom occurred purely by chance.”
Does correlation equal causation according to The Science™? The answer depends on which side of the equation the biggest dollar sign sits."
it helps make cell walls
each person is different, drugs effect them differently, their bodies have slightly different needs
some people have a natural larger amount of cholesterol. others do not
my mom was on these damned drugs, she would not listen
her cholesterol was still high, they did not help
her diet was zero cholesterol
she did from Alzheimer's
i believe helped along by the damned statins she was taking for years
Our Diets cost us 80% of our health care costs!
Carb-Laden. Ultra Processed. Addictive.
Horrible Ingredients "red dye 5" and other such "natural colors/flavors" have been shown to wreak havoc on many kids. It's as bad as the sugar.
A HUGE % of our ingredients in our EVERY DAY foods are BANNED in Europe.
And the 33% reduction is heart attacks? MAGICAL MATH. Using RELATIVE RISK.
AND they can run that test 1,000 times, and NOT Published the 999 that failed. WHICH 100% invalidates the scientific method they CLAIM they support.
It's all a scam. Eat natural foods. Walk. Drink water...
If there is 1 food/snack that you CANNOT EVER give up... They own you! you are addicted. The Cigarette companies brought the addiction game to junk food, and created the Cartoon Network (Guaranteed Ad Dollars) to make it go...
i can show a relationship between oxygen and heart disease
i was told many years ago you can prove that distilled water can cause cancer, if you know how to manipulate the numbers
Either way, the results of one clearly flawed study became mainstream dogma in western medicine. Medications and clinics to reduce cholesterol have become a cult.
He hand picked the 7 that made his case.
As a naturally thin "smoker". he did not want his cancer sticks coming into the equation. he had a strong personality and RUINED people who tried to stand up to him. (His middle name might have been Karen... LOL)
I dumped that garbage and my cholesterol numbers, while a little high, never changed.
All the side effects remain to this day with the exception the muscle spasms, Thanks ayeholes for destroying my health at age 30.
In the mean while the threshold at which your cholesterol numbers trigger a statin pill bombardment went from 250, to 220, to 200 and is now 180.
Somebody(`s) are lying their asses off.
But hey, you didn't want to life that long anyway. Right?
Now if you are 92 with months left. Screw all that, LOL. But I've seen a 90+ yr old grandmother go from a walker to do headstand pushups against a wall... It all started with Carnivore.
Turn the food pyramid upside down. At a minimum.
Apart from the fact I like vegetables, i could go full carnivore all life long.
Now you know why the N W O wants to eliminate meat from our diet, they know too damn well the dietary nature of 'we the people'. And how deadly factory food is. Throw in some bugs we can't digest and you have the perfect formulae for population culling.
Insects have NCHINs (sp) that many people are allergic to. They are to prevent animals from eating them. We cannot break them down. They have ZERO IDEAS on how harmful a steady diet of these will be.
And to make them worse. They are powderizing them (ultra processing them). which always makes food more dangerous for us because it changes the absorbility rate. It's a form of "pre-digestion". Studies prove the EXACT same food for mice/rats... Powderized/Pulverized leads to a linear increase in obesity, inflammation and other disease states (the MORE your pulverize it, the worse it is for you).
For me. I am diagnosed with CIRS, the same thing Mikhaila and her mom/dad have since been diagnosed with (duh, since there are genetic components).
We have been treated worse than the slaves of Egypt who were dying of T2D from all of the grains they were fed.
I read elsewhere that the number 200 was arrived at the same way that the 6 ft social distance number came about during the China virus debacle, out of thin air. There was also a rumor about 5 years ago that they were thinking about lowering it to 180. Big Pharma could sell more statins that way.
BTW, about 25% of your cholesterol production is used by your brain.
He shows the HORRIBLE statistics. I've met him at 2 different medical seminars. (I am not a doctor, but a well educated patient).
The #1 most important test. CAC (About $150-200). It tells you your 5 and 10yr odds of having a heart-attack over those periods. (Required by EVERY Jet Fighter, NASA Astronaut). NOT covered by insurance.
If you keep the info, and retest. You can literally see ANY progression of disease. (It's called an Agaston Score. Dr. Agaston/South Beach Diet. I've met and spoke with him at one of the conferences to confirm how I utilize the test myself).
Next Dr. Ken Berry covers the LIES/COVER UPS dealing with Seed Oils (unsaturated fats) in 2 studies (one here, WHI or Nurses), and One in Austraila. BOTH buried SIMILAR results.
As saturated fats were replaced with "healthy fats" both mortality went up and heart disease.
BURIED. Later the scientists said "it wasn't what we expected".
When Science can pick and choose the studies to show you. You CANNOT trust them.
Seems very plausible to me. Saturated fats, fats, calories, sugar, butter margarine ... one thing after another. Now climate change, even more recently, COVID BS statistics, completely queered by government funding, obscuring any other cause for the money paid if the death was from COVID.