[Ask the Gulch] I saw an article a few days before the assassination attempt. I wish I could find it. It had a sentence, "...the security team said that guns would be allowed inside the perimeter..." WHY publish such a statement on the internet?
Posted by Aeronca 7 months, 3 weeks ago to Ask the Gulch
the deep state wants Trump taken out
The assassination attempt has forced them to show their true, toxic colors.
You deserve better than having that sort of negativity in your life.
They do not even realize they are on a stage Quacking like a duck.
That's how I think of them. It helps me to feel sorry for them, instead of hating them...
Because hate is corrosive. When you hate... You take a poison into you, with the hope it kills your enemy. It doesn't work that way.
To the point of being asked.
Since she is not supposed to know on pain of being cancelled . . .
Me? For the moment I identify as Peter Pan wanting to be Tinkerbell and singing, "If you wish upon a star, you may find out what sex you are."
that is a very, very target rich environment these days
Plus, all the other roofs they were on that day were - guess what - slanted MORE than the one the shooter was on.
Drop off the ladder. SHOOT your weapon into the ground. How fast do you think you would have had their attention?
NOTHING makes sense.
Within HOURS they KNEW he acted alone, despite not knowing what was on his phone. (Really, did his HANDLER tell you he was working alone? LOL)
While I would like RETRIBUTION for many things done to Trump. I would prefer it to be legal.
Besides. This guy needs to step it up for his campaign, lest they consider replacing him at the convention...
Look at the people he, Hitlery and O-bummer got killed for nothing. Complete scum and wastes of air.
The statement "the security team said that guns would be allowed inside the perimeter" was made in the context of the security plans for the Republican National Convention (RNC) in Milwaukee. According to the security plan released by local and federal law enforcement, firearms will be permitted within the outer perimeter of the convention area but will be prohibited within the inner perimeter where only convention attendees will be allowed. This plan aligns with Wisconsin's state laws, which allow open and concealed carry of firearms, except for specific restrictions on certain types of weapons like machine guns and short-barreled shotguns (Spectrum News) (PBS Wisconsin) (Hosted).
Dude, the comedy gold of that cannot be understated.
... he continued with "Why? WHY? WHY?"
... "Trump, you are the luckiest bastard living!"
... "Well, there's always your next rally!"
And I still think we are in a Simulation...
Because they LITERALLY "TRUMPed" up charges against a guy named "Trump". Mr. Mudd will tell you... History WILL REMEMBER THIS!
And to everyone... Find something to make you smile. Trump is back to work like nothing happened.
Wisconsin is an open carry state. The shooter was not openly carrying but sneakingly getting his, more than, a hand gun into the area.
Everybody knows spooks never lie, and they keep every document "classified" because who knows what might happen if everyone knew all their secrets???.