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  • Posted by $ Abaco 3 months ago
    Larken is a very interesting dude. Eye opening commentary. He's one of those who skillfully pointed out how government "officials" festoon themselves in costumes and boss us around. The most humorous examples of this are with the British, it seems. Big ole hats, high boots, etc. Funny as hell. Reminds me of Monty Python. There's really something to that observation, though. What'd be funny is if freedom-minded civilians started coming up with their own costumes and started bossing around the tyrants. Haha...just imagine. A little bit like this guy....
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    • Posted by 3 months ago
      I don't think he goes far enough in his analysis. The one thing I would change about this book is the point of view that statism is some kind of superstition that somehow unfortunately happened to occur without any particular reason, and that if only people just stop believing in it, all would be right.

      IMHO, it is a targeted psychological manipulation by the state that is perpetrated for the sole purpose of granting these parasites an easier method to prey on the general population. If the general population stopped believing in the 'superstition', the state would just revert to direct violence as was their method prior to this recent invention of theirs.
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