Harvard class on Byzantine Empire to study ‘trans monks’

Posted by freedomforall 8 months ago to Politics
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"A Harvard University course this fall semester will study “trans monks,” cross-dressing, “genderless angels,” and intersectionality in the Byzantine Empire (also known as the Eastern Roman Empire).

The course, “Gender in Byzantium,” focuses “on the entire spectrum of binary and non-binary conceptualizations, representations and performances of gender in Byzantium by exploring textual and visual material alongside recent scholarship on gender and sexuality.”

“Topics for discussion include: normative concepts and representations of masculinity and femininity; asceticism and the gendered body; emotions and gender; same-sex desire and relationships (homosociality); cross-dressing (trans monks?); intersectionality (gender, race and class); authorial (cis- and trans-) gender performance; eunuchs (a ‘third gender’?); incorporeal/genderless angels,” the course description continues. "
Harvard is a leftist sewer.
Graduates have received overpaid, unearned positions for years.
SOURCE URL: https://www.campusreform.org/article/harvard-class-byzantine-empire-study-trans-monks-genderless-angels/25844

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