Modern Slavery Courtesy of Globalists

Posted by freedomforall 5 months, 3 weeks ago to Economics
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"Do you know these initials: GBI, MMT, WTO? If you do, you understand the neoliberal globalist effort to make sovereign governments obsolete and effectively harness the population of the developed world in a kind of slavery to mega-corporations and soulless wealth managers.

If not, here’s your opportunity to learn how the world works.
GBI will make everyone a welfare slave. MMT will make everyone a debt slave. WTO will make everyone a wage slave. The super-capitalists will get even richer and the politicians will take their share.

This system will prevail unless Trump and the MAGA team he’s assembled win the election on Nov. 5. Until then, investors should hedge their bets with cash, gold and reduced equity exposure."

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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 5 months, 3 weeks ago
    It's time for us to have a movement in this country
    against government interference in people's lives: to start a free-enterprise society, where we could have
    a referendum. or something, to abolish all these things. By the way, I don't see any need for tariffs
    against receiving goods from totalitarian states.
    What we need is not tariffs, but an outright
    embargo on products from such places.
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  • Posted by mhubb 5 months, 3 weeks ago
    REAL slavery still exists in the world
    in Libya, slavery was re-introduced by the actions of hillary and 0bama

    yet the so-called Free World is silent on slavery of all kinds

    We American Tax Payers are slaves to the welfare state
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