"Daddy" Government Is Afraid of His Rebellious Children

Posted by freedomforall 6 months, 1 week ago to Politics
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"Daddy Government succeeds when his children are conditioned to root for bigger and more intrusive government. After all, negotiation is the art of getting an adversary to convince you that your opinion is right! When more government is the only answer to any perceived problem, who wins the negotiation? Daddy Government! That’s why he’s a master negotiator!

When we speak about a “Great Awakening” happening in America and throughout the West, what we are talking about is a growing public recognition among citizens that their governments have long been “negotiating” in bad faith. Censorship is not free speech. Mandatory vaccination is not healthcare. Energy cartels, fiat currencies, central banks, overseas slave labor, and heavily regulated domestic economies do not constitute free markets. Endless war does not produce endless peace. Governments that have long “nudged” us into believing such lies are being broadly exposed. You take thirty years of a relatively open Internet, combine it with enlightened public conversations that transcend national boundaries, add a handful of technologies that provide workarounds to mass surveillance, mix in a few revelations from the likes of Julian Assange and Edward Snowden, and what do you get? You get a large number of citizens who realize that they are in an abusive relationship with their government.

Americans who once believed that tyranny could not happen here now know better. Western Europeans who believed that totalitarianism had been beaten know better, too. This change in social consciousness is why governments have swapped their “nudge patrols” for authoritarian armies that push and shove. Government coercion and violence are on the rise because Westerners see through the rigged “negotiations” of their fake “democracies.” It’s why Germany disenfranchises conservatives, France arrests the CEOs of free speech platforms, Brazil bans Elon Musk’s X, the UK treats “anti-Establishment rhetoric” as a crime, and the United States persecutes J6 political prisoners.

Daddy Government is afraid because his “children” are done negotiating."
SOURCE URL: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2024/09/daddy_government_is_afraid_of_his_rebellious_children.html

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