A Biden-Related Question for my Gulchers

Posted by $ Abaco 6 months, 2 weeks ago to Humor
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When Joe Biden would give speeches and completely mangle the king's english and blurt out some garbled mess like, "Kamala and I are going to katastmorpha bobblygook on the border!" the audience would cheer as though he said something understandable. Why did they do this? Were the cheers actually canned recordings? Or, has America actually slipped that far over the cliff, intellectually? We've spent the past few years really enjoying the gaffes but this has always stumped us. We actually will probably make a Biden Gaffe Tour shirt that looks like a rock band tour shirt...

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  • Posted by Dobrien 6 months, 2 weeks ago
    “Has America actually slipped that far over the cliff, intellectually?” Answer Only the ones that think Bydem got 81 million lawful American votes.
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  • Posted by VetteGuy 6 months, 2 weeks ago
    "...has America actually slipped that far over the cliff, intellectually?"

    The answer is a resounding YES. It's the only explanation for the current state of politicians. The politicians are pretty pathetic, yes. But they got elected by the PEOPLE. So, when you look at an idiot politician speaking nonsense [or worse] remember: The majority of people in their district/state/etc WANTED this person.

    THAT is what scares me about the future. Politicians come and go [though some take way too long to go] but the attitudes of the people take generations to change. The changes are not going in a positive direction right now. And it's not an accident. Kids are being trained by the government to buy into all this crap, instead of thinking for themselves.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 6 months, 2 weeks ago
    The audience allowed to attend any Buydem appearance is given incentives to do whatever the display monitor held just off camera says, similar to the 'studio audiences' for filmed tv programs.
    For example:
    There are Buydem aides planted in the audience to shout down and remove
    any "misinformed" person that might slip in. I recall going to a town meeting for a new
    GOP Con-gress rep in 1992 and he had aides planted to heckle and shout down
    anyone who raised a taboo subject, e.g., the Federal Reserve.
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  • Posted by mhubb 6 months, 2 weeks ago
    a democrat would cheer a democrat politician if that politician said all people leaving the venue will be shot and killed

    democrat voters are just plain damned stupid, uninformed, not wanting to be informed, think all others are beneath them and they are the smartest people that ever lived
    like teen-agers
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