Government (Deep State) 'Leaders" of the 'The West sees immigration as a ‘way of getting rid of the ethnic homogeneity that is the basis of the nation state’
Posted by freedomforall 7 months, 4 weeks ago to Philosophy
"Westerners, quite differently, believe that nation-states no longer exist. They therefore deny that there is a common culture and a public morality based on (the nation-state). There is no public morality, if you watched the Olympic opening yesterday, you saw it. So, they also think differently about migration. They believe that migration is not a threat or a problem, but in fact a way of getting rid of the ethnic homogeneity that is the basis of a nation. This is the essence of the progressive liberal international concept. That is why the absurdity does not occur to them, or they do not see it as absurd,” he said.
He said that this contrast between East and West is playing out through war and the movement of peoples, saying that while hundreds of thousands of Christian people are killing each other in the East, “in the West of Europe, we are letting hundreds of thousands of people into a foreign civilization, which is absurd from our Central European point of view.”"
These policies only serve the Deep State that wants to expand their power and enslave the entire population of the earth.
"Westerners, quite differently, believe that nation-states no longer exist. They therefore deny that there is a common culture and a public morality based on (the nation-state). There is no public morality, if you watched the Olympic opening yesterday, you saw it. So, they also think differently about migration. They believe that migration is not a threat or a problem, but in fact a way of getting rid of the ethnic homogeneity that is the basis of a nation. This is the essence of the progressive liberal international concept. That is why the absurdity does not occur to them, or they do not see it as absurd,” he said.
He said that this contrast between East and West is playing out through war and the movement of peoples, saying that while hundreds of thousands of Christian people are killing each other in the East, “in the West of Europe, we are letting hundreds of thousands of people into a foreign civilization, which is absurd from our Central European point of view.”"
These policies only serve the Deep State that wants to expand their power and enslave the entire population of the earth.
In From the Cold
the bad guys seem to be Spanish Patriots trying to stop the il-legal invasion of Spain
gee... wonder what left win jerk wrote the script...
You see, these states have taxed their livestock populations to the point of extinction. The birth rates are way below replacement. They don't want to decrease their predation because that would mean they would have to cut the fat, and we can't have that, can we? So, the only solution is to import livestock from elsewhere to offset the losses. They would rather not do that of course, but at this point they have no choice.
What a mess!
As an anarchist, I would actually support dissolution of 'nation states'. So, immigration is good. Calling somebody 'an illegal immigrant' is kind of like calling someone 'person that exists illegally'. You know what guys, if you are going to play those rules, I am going to label all of you statists as illegal humans occupying my planet Earth and would require you to leave my planet immediately or face forceful removal by execution.
But the reality is that the fedgov has already created the situation using all the above actions and more, and if there is no attempt to stop the flood of invaders then the American people will be completely enslaved by the Deep State and civilization of America will be destroyed. The result of the open border policy in every country has been chaos. Continuing it is suicide for civilization.
Immigrants are just looking to improve their situation in life. Moving around your environment is a natural part of life. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it.
It is possible that some of these immigrants are predatory. If that is the case, the local security services need to catch them in the act and handle it just like they would handle dealing with local criminals (put them in labor camps, make them pay back the damage). However, my understanding is that most immigrants are generally good and don't actually want to cause any trouble.
The election fraud thing is stupid. There shouldn't be any elections in the first place. Truth doesn't need people to vote for it. There shouldn't be a situation where we vote to install a ruler. There shouldn't be any rulers, period. Laws cannot be voted on, only proven to exist with logic which doesn't require any elections.
Your problem is not the immigrants. Your problem is the state, which, by the way, exists with the blessing of 'the people'. YOU ('the people') decided to install 'the state' to rule over you and now you complain that 'the state' is using immigrants against you? Why don't you just uninstall 'the state' instead of blaming the immigrants?
Americans should feel especially hypocritical about preventing immigration. Mostly everyone's predecessors in the US have immigrated from elsewhere, many even without obtaining permission from any authority whatsoever. And now you want to stop others from doing the same thing you are guilty of? Ridiculous.
I try to avoid feelings, but please do help me see a specific reason why borders are needed.
As I see it, borders are only there for states. These are negotiated and agreed upon by states through treaties or war. 'The people' have no say in it. Borders are how states know what is theirs and what is not. But states are immoral and must be dissolved, therefore borders are no longer needed.
It follows then that if you are allowed to 'vet' people to prevent some from entering an arbitrary unowned space, then they are also allowed to 'vet' you as you do the same.
I henceforth declare YOU not worthy of traveling on planet Earth. Are you going to abide by my supposed authority to eject you from Earth?
You see, this logic doesn't work. If you are allowed to vet anybody but not the reverse then you are claiming to be a master and those being vetted to be slaves.
The question that remains is whether the space they are entering is truly unowned or not. I guess if it was someone's property then they would have the right to vet at their discretion. The trouble is, I don't think a 'country' is a valid concept, and land within some arbitrary border is not somebody's property unless it fits specific criteria which includes land use. So, if nobody uses the land, it would be unowned. Claiming something is yours doesn't actually make it so.
I assure you good sir, that was not my intention. Any self-respecting ancap will take that position. Preventing people from moving around public space is a violation of non-aggression principle. If states are to be abolished, there can be no state borders.
No, I didn't decide to install the state to rule over me.
I don't accept blame for what others have done.
This tyrannical state was established long before I was born, at least 160 years ago.
I see little point in continuing a discussion with you.
I wasn't really directing it at you specifically, I was directing it generally at 'you the people'. Anybody who wants 'government' is kind of doing that. Wanting borders implies wanting government, correct me if I am wrong. The border implies the internal area is a property of some entity (the state?).
'I see little point in continuing a discussion with you.'
I hope you change your mind.