Might Vaccine Manufacturers be Held to the Same Standard as Everybody Else?

Posted by $ Abaco 3 weeks, 2 days ago to News
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I can't believe this will actually happen. Vaccine injury has cost my family over $1M. I think the damage is simply too great and, strategically, this, at best will morph into a massive "class action" where the damaged receive $14 and an apology. It will have to...because there probably isn't enough money in the US at this point. And...If you're on an airplane with Gosar get off immediately....
SOURCE URL: https://gosar.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=8582

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  • Posted by JohnRandALL 3 weeks, 1 day ago
    The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act in 1986 was quickly followed by a big increase in "required" childhood vaccines. Big Pharma should never have been given immunity. If the "vaccine" is so safe, why would they need legal protection from immunity?
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  • Posted by term2 3 weeks, 1 day ago
    vaccines might be good, and maybe not. They shouldnt be required or mandated, but people could take them IF they wanted
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    • Posted by $ rainman0720 3 weeks ago
      Totally agree. Personally, I think you're an idiot if you ride a motorcycle without a helmet, or if you drive or ride in a car without a buckling up. But I absolutely do not think either of them should be mandated by law. What the hell ever happened to "My body, my choice"?
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      • Posted by $ 3 weeks ago
        Yeah, I appreciate your comment. What was eye-opening for me was the time I've spend working in infection control where I had to learn where disease comes from, how our immune systems work, and just how much bullshit the public believes about both of those. Most still think tetanus comes from a rusty nail, for just one example. They've kept the average person completely in the dark solely for the purpose of selling more vax. Once you take a deep dive into airborne pandemics, polio, tetanus, measles, chicken pox, etc....It's a massive red pill....

        When my daughter won the award for perfect attendance in school the second year in a row I was approached by other parents, cornered actually at the meeting, who asked, "How do you do it?" Chicken pox, and a few bad flu waves came though the school and a couple times it looked like she was the only one in class. I told the other parents, "I can't tell you..." and walked off. They probably thought "what an ass!" Haha....
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