I think Alexis is going to die

Posted by $ Abaco 1 month ago to News
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I donated. The left refuses to cover this because they hate children and are a cult of death. If you get a chance, listen to Candace Owens' coverage of this. If you think the medical professionals are right in forcing this on this young lady...well, you should probably check yourself. Vaccines for tetanus? Meningitis? Are you f'ing kidding me!? Why not throw in a shot for cooties while they're at it? If I was Alexis brother or father I'd find that doctor and have a word with them...
SOURCE URL: https://rumble.com/v5fdjxh-breaking-latest-update-from-alexis-lorenze.html

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  • Posted by rhfinle 1 month ago
    "Doctors at UCI Medical refused to treat her unless she got up-to-date on the missed childhood vaccines."
    Now is the time to let good lawyers do what they do best. Lawsuits are the only way to stop this.
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    • Posted by $ 1 month ago
      Can't sue if vaccines are involved. A 1986 federal law protects vaccine manufacturers for any damages. Now, if they gave her a medicine that wasn't in the classification of vaccines - oh yeah. Automatic lawsuit. Vaccine manufacturers got that 1986 law on the books and quickly amped up the childhood vaccine schedule. From 1986 through 1996 autism rates went from 1:10,000 to 1:68 (approx). Now they're down to 1:22 in the state that fully enforces the CDC schedule on all children (California). But...there's nothing to see here. Rain causes autism along with a mother not loving her baby. The vaccines are just correlation, not causation. (last part is sarcasm)

      Also...That 1986 law was bolstered by language in the Patriot Act that Dick Army inserted in the midnight hour and W. Bush signed into law.

      All of this is a major reason they are trying to kill Trump now, since he had RFK Jr. join his team. RFK's law firm is positioned to take advantage if that liability prohibition is ever lifted.
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  • Posted by mikeofallon 1 month ago
    CDC quietly changed the definition of "vaccine" so that the mRNA modifiers could be marketed as vaccines. The new definition is so watered-down, so general, that aspirin now qualifies as a vaccine.
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    • Posted by $ 1 month ago
      There are other drugs that the manufacturers had the FDA classify as vaccines even though they weren't - all to get the liability removal. Pretty interesting.
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  • Posted by Lucky 1 month ago
    Horrific- due to the vax fanatics.

    A girl goes to UCI Medical in California for treatment of her blood condition (that she has had her whole life).

    She was completely unvaccinated (did not have any vaccines ever). Doctors at UCI Medical refused to treat her unless she got up-to-date on the missed childhood vaccines.

    They gave her the Tetanus vaccines (TdaP), the Meningitis vaccines (MenABCWY) and the pneumonia vaccine (PNEU-C-15) as a start and this is what happened


    (My source is https://joannenova.com.au/2024/09/wed...
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    • Posted by $ 1 month ago
      I understand that she did have vaccines when she was a baby. Her medical record is actually available on X as I saw. The pro-vax bots are starting to demonize her - saying she didn't get any vaccines and just got sick from her condition. See...what's happening here is the ole' "correlation isn't causation" along with "she didn't actually get vaxed". Can't have it both ways. She did receive 3 to 5 vaccines and instantly fell very ill. Is it possible the vaccines had nothing to do with her condition? I think so. But...I love saying this, by the way...Whenever you have causation you have correlation. Correlation is why doctors are trained to ask, "what happened"? It's basic science. A starting block, so to speak. But, that's too complex for the average American these days, it seems. I bet she's suffering from internal bleeding. A liberal friend of mine saw this then said she thought it looked fake - then went on a tirade about abortion rights.
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      • Posted by Lucky 1 month ago
        Another source of info:

        Alexis Lorenze. 23. history of Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) since January 2024.

        California Woman Claims Hospital Pressured Her to Vaccinate Before Treatment, Leading to a Horrific Adverse Reaction that Has Left Her Fighting For Her Life

        Hospital personnel allegedly insisted that Alexis receive vaccinations for tetanus, meningitis, and pneumonia before she could continue her treatment for PNH.

        Alexis claims that hospital staff denied that her reaction was vaccine-related:
        “Within 10 minutes of the vaccines Alexis went temporarily blind in both eyes, had a locked jaw, began vomiting and then things went horribly downhill from there.”
        The hospital only gave pain medication until her father intervened insisting on additional treatments, resulting in the hospital administering steroids, but nothing more.
        Alexis’s platelet count was very low when she arrived at the hospital then got worse after vaccination with three different vaccines.

        She is now out of Irvine and is in a private hospital.

        Fundraiser here:

        My opinion: tetanus, meningitis, and pneumonia vaccinations may have their place but it certainly appears that in this case the requirement was a bill padding exercise imposed on a patient under duress.
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        • Posted by $ 1 month ago
          Tetanus: Was eradicated with the automobile. There are still a few cases each year in the US and it's treatable with antibiotics. Pneumonia vaccine for this young lady isn't appropriate - but I'm not a doctor. The prevnar (pneumonia) vaccine is what completely paralyzed my dad. That one was his "final stray", as they'd say.
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