Vaccines. The Religion.

Posted by $ Abaco 2 months, 2 weeks ago to News
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I've been saying for several years now that there actually is zero proof supporting the theory that childhood vaccines don't cause autism. None. I've said here, "Go ahead and google for any study proving that vaccines don't cause autism." What comes back from that search is really laughable. This was my line in the sand that drove me out of California - where the governor removed the pediatrician from the decision. The real evidence that shows the scope of the destruction from the childhood vaccine schedule is so dark, so disgusting, that it wears me out to bring it up. Del touches on it here. At this point they need to stop saying, after saying it for 20 years, what doesn't cause autism. They need to tell me what does cause it. Until then, they can go pound sand...

Amazing how Edwards told the truth under oath. I can't believe it. What drove these people to do this? Money?

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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 months, 2 weeks ago
    I was amazed when I learned how many vaccinations children receive today. When I was a child I got no vaccines except Small Pox and typhoid. My children received six vaccines and today that number is unbelievable. I did have measles, mumps, chicken pox, whooping cough and croup. But my children didn't have any of these diseases. .Mom's antibodies. I even have
    Covid antibodies now an I didn't take the vax. n
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