Have We Forgotten the Stolen 2020 Election? Will The Traitors Ever Be Tried, Convicted, and Executed For That Insurrection?
Posted by freedomforall 7 months, 2 weeks ago to Politics
"The Roman satirist Juvenal once maligned that bread and circuses are all that were needed to appease the masses into relinquishing their civic duties. Nearly two millennia later, the axiom he authored proved to be timeless as the 2020 presidential election cycle appeared to be the apex of political theater. While it seemed unfathomable at the time, the 2024 edition of that drama has somehow managed to surpass it. The spectacle that has unfolded has reinvigorated the demographic of the electorate that it had neutered just 4 short years before. Emboldened by that ascendancy, supporters of Donald Trump approach the forthcoming presidential election as if they are impervious to defeat. That hubris has clouded their judgment, leading them to forget the lessons they learned after 2020 and in doing so may doom to relive the same fate that befell them then once more.
It needn't take much effort to examine the parallels between 2020 and 2024. Much like outgoing president Joe Biden, Kamala Harris is the preferred candidate of the existing political establishment. As Seymour Hersh's recent reporting on the Obama-led soft coup shows, she too has been installed as the democratic nominee for president in direct contradiction to achieving the distinction through the electoral process she and her party have exalted as sacrosanct to distinguish them as morally superior to their opposition. The chronology of Harris' selection hearkens back to the process that saw her latch onto Biden to become Vice President to begin with. Although the same chain of events that culminated in the 2020 election being manipulated to deny Donald Trump his re-election emerging yet again, his supporters have become utterly oblivious and completely dismissive of the premise that the same outcome could be achieved in 2024, despite the same framework clearly being in place."
"The Roman satirist Juvenal once maligned that bread and circuses are all that were needed to appease the masses into relinquishing their civic duties. Nearly two millennia later, the axiom he authored proved to be timeless as the 2020 presidential election cycle appeared to be the apex of political theater. While it seemed unfathomable at the time, the 2024 edition of that drama has somehow managed to surpass it. The spectacle that has unfolded has reinvigorated the demographic of the electorate that it had neutered just 4 short years before. Emboldened by that ascendancy, supporters of Donald Trump approach the forthcoming presidential election as if they are impervious to defeat. That hubris has clouded their judgment, leading them to forget the lessons they learned after 2020 and in doing so may doom to relive the same fate that befell them then once more.
It needn't take much effort to examine the parallels between 2020 and 2024. Much like outgoing president Joe Biden, Kamala Harris is the preferred candidate of the existing political establishment. As Seymour Hersh's recent reporting on the Obama-led soft coup shows, she too has been installed as the democratic nominee for president in direct contradiction to achieving the distinction through the electoral process she and her party have exalted as sacrosanct to distinguish them as morally superior to their opposition. The chronology of Harris' selection hearkens back to the process that saw her latch onto Biden to become Vice President to begin with. Although the same chain of events that culminated in the 2020 election being manipulated to deny Donald Trump his re-election emerging yet again, his supporters have become utterly oblivious and completely dismissive of the premise that the same outcome could be achieved in 2024, despite the same framework clearly being in place."
he is not President
he is a liar, a cheater, a corrupt usurper