Unelected technocrats are now the nation’s chief executives (and have been since January 6, 2021)

Posted by freedomforall 7 months, 3 weeks ago to Politics
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"the White House yesterday released a memorandum further outsourcing the president’s duties to the State Department and the Treasury Department. That is, according to the memo, “the functions and authorities vested in the President by sections ... of the Rebuilding Economic Prosperity and Opportunity for Ukrainians Act” are delegated to technocrats. The president apparently can’t even personally make decisions in areas that the White House calls a priority.

For all the regime’s talk about “democracy,” it is undeniable at this point that the White House is actually run by unseen, unelected personnel who function in the shadows and are accountable only to the elites within their own ruling coalition. Some call it the “deep state.” Others call it “the headless fourth branch of government.” In any case, we are reminded that the United States is a technocracy and not a democracy, a republic, or whatever word one wants to use to describe a system that is in some meaningful way answerable to the taxpayers who pay all the bills.

It is these unelected, unknown figures who are deciding the nation’s foreign policy, its immigration policy, and its political appointments. We simply have no idea who is deciding US policy in Ukraine, in the Levant, or in east Asia—three regions that are in danger of flaring up into major conflicts. Who really controls the nuclear launch codes? It seems only the oligarchs and some high-ranking technocrats know. Nor do we know who is crafting the present open-border policy that funnels billions of dollars to hundreds of thousands of unemployed foreign nationals who receive blank checks to live in luxury hotels in American cities."
D.C. is utterly corrupt and can't be reformed.
SOURCE URL: https://mises.org/mises-wire/unelected-technocrats-are-now-nations-chief-executives

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