Autism and ADHD Rates Explode, Public Health™ Establishment Shrugs
Posted by freedomforall 8 months, 2 weeks ago to Science
"As of 2024, per CDC guidelines, parents are cajoled into injecting their babies no fewer than twenty times over with this and that vaccine by the time they’re six months old. And the party’s just getting started by then.
Via Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology (emphasis added):
“Approximately 1 in 9 U.S. children have ever received an ADHD diagnosis (11.4%, 7.1 million children) and 10.5% (6.5 million) had current ADHD. Among children with current ADHD, 58.1% had moderate or severe ADHD, 77.9% had at least one co-occurring disorder, approximately half of children with current ADHD (53.6%) received ADHD medication, and 44.4% had received behavioral treatment for ADHD in the past year; nearly one third (30.1%) did not receive any ADHD-specific treatment…
Pediatric ADHD remains an ongoing and expanding public health concern, as approximately 1 million more children had ever received an ADHD diagnosis in 2022 than in 2016.”
I’m going to go out on a limb here and predict the prescribed solution to runaway childhood ADHD and autism is going to be new patented wonder-drugs that the corporate state media will dutifully tout heavily until some serious side effects discovered years down the road lead to their recall."
"As of 2024, per CDC guidelines, parents are cajoled into injecting their babies no fewer than twenty times over with this and that vaccine by the time they’re six months old. And the party’s just getting started by then.
Via Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology (emphasis added):
“Approximately 1 in 9 U.S. children have ever received an ADHD diagnosis (11.4%, 7.1 million children) and 10.5% (6.5 million) had current ADHD. Among children with current ADHD, 58.1% had moderate or severe ADHD, 77.9% had at least one co-occurring disorder, approximately half of children with current ADHD (53.6%) received ADHD medication, and 44.4% had received behavioral treatment for ADHD in the past year; nearly one third (30.1%) did not receive any ADHD-specific treatment…
Pediatric ADHD remains an ongoing and expanding public health concern, as approximately 1 million more children had ever received an ADHD diagnosis in 2022 than in 2016.”
I’m going to go out on a limb here and predict the prescribed solution to runaway childhood ADHD and autism is going to be new patented wonder-drugs that the corporate state media will dutifully tout heavily until some serious side effects discovered years down the road lead to their recall."
changes to the brain structure is involved in most cases
the cause??
well, we know we where lied to on what was in the covid shot....
Why want the Swamp bring unwanted attention to it?
I was diagnosed with it back in 1967. Why?
Because I found school totally boring and would rather be outside doing what my daddy did for work.
I think you're right, kids are bored to tears in school because they (the administration) teaches the kids all the wrong things and do it poorly.
So let's dope them up early... Dear Lord save them.
I have an eight grade school book from the 1870's. College students would have a hard time passing these lessons.
Most people who didn't go to college back then, got by with an eight grade education. And it was a damn good education.
The gift of your age, and the stronger immune system (b/c the lack of vaccines, IMHO).
But I had the measles/mumps by going over and playing with the neighbor who had them. My brother and I (3yrs apart), both went and played for one day. This kids mom literally had a schedule, since we (and he) were kinda last on the schedule (everyone else had it already), we suffered alone with nobody to play with. LOL.
When the diseases came around, every one got it.
Our parents made sure we were all sick together. Get it over with quick.
They knew about heard immunity without some egghead telling them which way was up.
We had two vaccines , small pox and polio, (real vaccines, back before they refined the word "Vaccine")
Funny, it was only after the greatest generation was all but past, did they pull this Covid B.S.
But there numbers are telling... Exactly what you expect. The more you vaccinate, the more problems you are likely to have. In the never vaccinated group... There are ZERO cases of Autism (we are talking 2,000 patients in that group), and ADHD is super rare.
As the vaccines go up, the risk of ADHD goes up, and so does the risk of Autism as do the events of Autism. There is a linear risk.
They are afraid to publish their data. Rightfully so.
The scary part is that I think the government wants more Autistic Savants. So they can study them and how their brains work. MKUltra V2 (Probably V5, TBH).
Our daughter was vaccine injured at 1. The doctor refused to report it. We switched doctors. We stopped vaccinating. The new pediatrician pushed ONCE, and made a note. The schools made it difficult, but we got the paperwork (annually). It took ~7 years to get it under control. And by 14 she was less sick than 99% of the kids.
But the easiest study to do is against the Amish, and the Mennonites... (Oh, and one doctor who had done these, was found suicided in his hotel).
More evidence that the fedgov, Deep State, UN, NWO, WEF are our enemies.
If there's anyone left alive at that point.
There you go. Pretty quick reading...huh?
ADHD seems to be really hard to manage and probably never eases up as one ages.
i hope that as he gets smarter he can use his mind to control it to some extent