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  • Posted by j_IR1776wg 8 months ago
    Sadly, if he were alive today, he'd be cancelled or dismissed.

    "...Here, Beccaria gives voice to a certain rationalistic Enlightenment mentality, writing: “For every crime that comes before him, a judge is required to complete a perfect syllogism in which the major premise must be the general law; the minor, the action that conforms or does not conform to the law; and the conclusion, acquittal or punishment. If the judge were constrained, or if he desired to frame even a single additional syllogism, the door would thereby be opened to uncertainty...”

    He would not understand how it was possible that Aristotle's syllogistic logic has been abandoned. It was soo right.

    The opposite of Logic is the Arbitrary (Whimsy). We see it every day, especially in the Lawfare being waged against Trump.
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