Joe's Blazing AntiGun Speech the Day Hunter's Convicted

Posted by $ Abaco 3 months, 2 weeks ago to News
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I thought this was funny. My wife turned on the tv while he was in the speech and she had the funniest look on her face. Joe's timing couldn't have been worse. He said the word "children" about a thousand times. The crowd went absolutely nuts. He garbled many statements and yelled loudly a few times with great passion. I can't figure out the motive with the timing. Is it rubbing the upcoming pardon in our faces? Was it meant as a distraction? I'm scared because I'm finding that I'm getting a kick out of Joe's antics more and more. I've gone past hopelessness, through total surrender, and into giddy entertainment at his shenanigans.

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  • Posted by mhubb 3 months, 2 weeks ago
    if not for being a corrupt usurping hypocrite biden would not have anything to say

    i "loved" his juneteenth speech where he seems to have forgotten that the KKK was started and kept alive by democrats
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  • Posted by $ Snezzy 3 months, 2 weeks ago
    Hunter's a distraction. What are we supposed to not be seeing?

    Geeez, it's depressing to find that we now have to read the news like they did in the USSR, where some topic not mentioned was the important stuff.
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  • Posted by $ 3 months, 2 weeks ago
    I've softened my stance on Hunter. He's just a sex-crazed tweaker. I knew plenty of those in California. Yeah...shagging his brother's widow was too much for me. But, Hunter (reportedly) has given his dad a lot of financial support over the years. He was out there hustling and taking breaks with the pipe and working girls. Eh...could be worse.
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    • Posted by mhubb 3 months, 2 weeks ago
      to be honest, hunter did not have much of a chance
      he needed to walk away from his family and was not strong enough to do that

      so he was drawn into the biden crime family's corruption
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    • Posted by tutor-turtle 3 months, 2 weeks ago
      Are you forgetting the picture of Hunter snorting coke off the naked backside of a 13-year-old child?
      Is that not depraved enough for you?
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      • Posted by $ 3 months, 2 weeks ago
        Yeah, I'd draw the line before that...
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        • Posted by tutor-turtle 3 months, 2 weeks ago
          I don't know how my cousin got a full copy of the Laptop HD, but he said he started looking at the images (1,000's) after just a few minutes he said he threw up in his mouth and could look at one more. He is no lightweight.
          I asked, "How bad was it, really?"
          He said he wished he never looked at it.
          Quote: "Don't look for it, You can't unsee it"
          It's bad. Really bad.
          Edit: To put this in perspective: The NYPD harden officers who looked at it said it was the sickest thing they ever saw.
          Yeah, some even lost their lunch after viewing it.
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          • Posted by $ 3 months, 2 weeks ago
            I started to look at it and stopped within a couple minutes. I wanted no record of ever having looked at it. Got a quick peek and realized I wanted nothing to do with it. Hunter's very protected - in an elite class of protected people. I heard a podcast interview about a year ago where the interviewee pointed out that p...e...d...o activity is how the elite separate themselves from the rest of us proles. Seems to be true.
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            • Posted by tutor-turtle 3 months, 2 weeks ago
              Now comes the question of who is doing the protection... and why?
              Because, If squeezed, Hunter will squeal like a stick pig.
              His closet is chocked full of skeletons, with names.
              Extradition to one of those special countries which have no qualms about prisoner treatment seems in order.
              We all know that the agency routinely does this. Which begs the question, who's side are they on?
              The Pedos, or us law-abiding, legal adults?
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 months, 2 weeks ago
    Even after working in D.C. ten years as a business lobbyist, I don't feel I am qualified to offer an opinion on our elected 'royalty'. They never cease to amaze me. I go back to what I declared at the end of my year one, these people are certain their first priority now that they've been elected is to get their selves reelected. nb
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